(h1) Intro to HTML

(h2) p Paragraphs

(p) some emphasized (em) and strongly emphasized (strong) text in a p paragraph tag. Notice that whitespace (i.e. blanks, tabs and newlines) is not preserved. Text flows to fill the width of the browser window. All the structuring of the document is specified by the tags.

Here's another short p paragraph. Most of a page's text will be in p paragraphs.

View the source to see the HTML of this web page. (br)
HTML element: <tag attribute="value" ...>optional content</tag>


(h3) ul Unordered list:

ol: Ordered list:

  1. first li item
  2. second li item
  3. third item
  4. fourth item. by default it's numbered, but can be ABC or abc or I II III etc

dl: Definition list:

(dt) term
(dd) definition
lovable furry critter. watch out for the claws
another obscure animal you'll find in the zoo
you're kiddin!

img: Images

An inline image's baseline is in-line with the text: (img) and here's the text after the image.

table: Table

Simple optional (caption)
(th)Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
Income (td)$14,000 $12,000 $19,000 $9,000
Expenses $4,000 $2,000 $900 $2,000

HTML has no concept of numbers, everything is just formatted text. This table can not be sorted or filtered.

a: Links

Let's "go" to my home page (a website)
CMST 385 home page (a folder at a website)
Let's go to assignment file (a file in a folder at a website)
Or to another document at this web site in this same folder.
(clickable image link)

Some HTML rules: