IFSM 201

Office book data files Download it first and then unzip it.

Notes here

Week 1:
Assignment:Word processing D          Spell Chequer      Grammar good no
Assignment:Word processing E          Fonts examples      Misc tips    Equation editor examples


Week 2:
Assignment:Word processing F
Assignment:Excel G


Week 3:
Assignment:Excel H
Assignment:Excel I

Week 4
bits&bytes K, M, G, b, B etc      ASCII
Assignment:Ascii characters

Text files and Notepad     
Assignment:Notepad exercise      kana.txt

Excel: kana data file import       Result: kana.xlsx     kanaXYchart.pdf

Assignment:Excel counties      counties2010.txt          


Optional: Excel Unit H p.192      Excel cost curves      Books and Beans

Excel certification

Week 5
WWW intro      HTML intro      simple stylesheet      Mac Safari & TextEdit notes
Assignment:HTML Web page

CMST 385 Web Design course      199,000 jobs: BLS OOH Web Developers and Digital Designers
Another example webpage: J-Prop w/structural elements. No CSS.      Same with CSS    its CSS
Another example webpage: Starbuzz w/structural elements. No CSS.      Same with CSS    its CSS


Single pixels      RGB colors      Compare RGB colors      Your Favorite colors    Projector   

Week 6
Assignment:Access unit J
Assignment:Access part K


CMIS 320 Database course      168,000 jobs: BLS OOH Database Administrators and Architects

Computer architecture      Inside PC      Disks

PowerPoint unit M      blueglobe.jpg

Week 7
Excel part 4a Widgets in-class
Assignment:Excel part 4b MUG

Sounds folder      Sound demo webpage

Access statistical functions and file import
kana Access      kanaNEW.txt

Assignment:Access Counties      counties2010.txt

Dell Inspirons      Dell Precision      Shopping conference

Week 8
stations.accdb (3MB) World weather stations data.     Notice there's a lot of fields. Read the Design View to understand the fields and their codes.

Week n
Generate random "kana" data
Assignment:Excel 1M kana

Access part 3a     Access part 3b

Networking stuff on Windows      cabling     WiFi     
CMIT 265 Networking course     
165,000 jobs: BLS OOH Computer Network Architects     
350,000 jobs: BLS OOH Network and Computer Systems Administrators     
163,000 jobs: BLS OOH Information Security Analysts


845,000 jobs: BLS OOH Computer Support Specialists
608,000 jobs: BLS OOH Computer Systems Analysts

Lab exercise Windows/Hardware      alice.txt

Task Manager exercise     cpuburn.exe

IrfanView setup.exe download and install it.
Single pixels      RGB colors      blueglobe.jpg      Image files' comparisons
Image lab exercise

Books and Beans

Sounds folder Bach vs Sine wave     
Midi sound maker applet      BeatBox applet      Rhythm exercise

Calculator exercise      MATH 103

Linux      CMIS 325

Programming     stats.cpp     lotsdata.txt     Rosette.java          
CMIS 102 Programming 1 course      CMIS 141 Programming 2 course      CMIS 242 Programming 3 course
1,848,000 jobs: BLS OOH Software Developers, Quality Assurance Analysts, and Testers