RPM: RedHat Package Management

-qa          #list of all installed packages
--querytags  #  All possble info
-qa --qf "%{NAME} %{SIZE}\n"   #  Name and size of all packages

-qi package        #Info about this package
-qR  package       #what it requires
-qip package.rpm   #Info about this package in its file
-ql package        #All files of this package
-qf path-to-file   #what package this file belongs to

rpm -i arfarf-1.0-2.i586.rpm
installs the arfarf package of executable binaries, libraries, documentation etc.
--force --nodeps  --test
-U package    #upgrade

-V package    #verify it's all there 
-e package    #uninstall (erase) it

/var/lib/rpm/  DB files

Desktop has  GUIs for software install.

yum does automatic download/update of RPMs.

rpmfind.net to 'find' 'RPM's on the 'net'

Debian Package Management

Ubuntu: uncomment lines in /etc/apt/sources.list to allow getting from 'universe' and 'multiverse' repositories
apt-get install packagename


-l              #list all packages
-L package      #files of package.   includes all directories in path??
-s package      #status
--print-avail package  #status
-S path-to-file #which package it belongs to
-I package.deb  #info about package file
-c package.deb  #files in the package file
-r package      #remove package (except config files)
  --purge package 
