Connectors: SC (squarish, push-pull) and ST (round, twist-on twist-off), LC (flange on top), FC, MT-RJ, MU, CS, etc
MPO, MTP multi fibers (e.g. 12) connector.
pair of fibers, one for Tx, one for Rx: full-duplex
288-fiber cable breakout to 24 MPI/MPO cables each breakout to 12 LC connectors.
Light loss at connector. Reflection backward.
OM1: orange, 1Gbps, 62.5um, 300m .
OM3: aqua, 10Gbps, 50um, 300m, (40 or 100Gbps w/MPO connector &100m)
OM4: 550m, (100Gbps w/MPO &150m)
Above have 3.5 dB loss in 1 km.
OM4+: (100Gbps w/MPO &300m)
OM5: lime green, 40 and 100Gbps, SWDM
OS1: yellow, indoor, 2km, $, 1dB/km attenutation
OS2: yellow, outdoor, 10km, $$$, .4dB/km attenutation
Different ferrule (end) polish types: UPC, APC, PC. (PC and UPC: 0 angle, APC: 8°). Must match.
Cleaning the ends: fluids and wipes, pen type. Microscope to inspect.
Tool to measure the amount of light loss in the cable.
Distortions (dispersion and jitter).
Transceiver: SFP+ (10Gbps), QSFP+ (4x=40Gbps). Modular. converts between optical and electronic at the port.
Cross over cable.
BiDi: traffic in both directions using different wavelengths
OTDR: detect splices and problems.
Disadvantages: fiber is more expensive than UTP. Splicing together and
connecting to other devices needs special
equipment and training. Fiber must be clean, polished, rounded, capped when not in
use, don't bend it too much (bend radius), don't touch it (get into body?), don't
look at it(?). Cannot carry power.
submarine Fiber cable
PC-1 cable capacity: 640Gbps. lit:
180Gbps. length:20890km, started Jan 2001
Broadcom Stingray 100Gbps
limited to indoors one-room line-of-sight short-range. PAN uses.
IrDA standards.
narrow beam. weather-dependent.