CMIS 325
UNIX with Shell Programming
DE Fall Session 1: 20 Aug ~ 14 Oct 2012 (C801)
Instructor: David Wills
Class web site:
Weekly calendar
CMIS 325 UNIX with Shell Programming (3) Prerequisite: CMIS 141, CMIS 115, or CMIS 125.
A hands-on, project-based introduction to the UNIX operating system.
The aim is to use basic UNIX commands to design, create, and execute shell programs.
Topics include file structures,
editors, pattern-matching facilities, shell commands, and shell scripts.
This course is a look at the features of the Unix/Linux operating system.
Using and programming the shell is the major emphasis.
The shell is a flexible, powerful and programmable interface to the system.
We will also learn major classic utilities like grep, sed, and awk.
You can get free versions of Linux to install and/or run on your own computer.
This course is a hands-on, project-based introduction to the UNIX operating system.
By the completion of the course, you will be able to use basic UNIX commands to design, create,
and execute shell programs, and effectively work in a UNIX production environment.
You will explore the history and versions of UNIX,
and how they affect UNIX shell programming.
You will practice and apply commands related to manipulating file structures,
pattern-matching facilities, and shell commands and editors, using production UNIX servers.
After completing this course, you
will be able to:
- select and adapt IT technologies based on relevant and objective criteria
- apply UNIX commands to navigate and manage file systems and data
- create and run well-documented UNIX shell programs to simplify and
automate frequent tasks
Other stuff you might learn:
- use Unix/Linux systems confidently, gracefully, skillfully
- be familiar with the shell: its operators, commands, and behaviour
- be able to write shell scripts to accomplish a variety of useful tasks
- be able to use grep, sed, and awk well
- understand the Unix multiuser filesystem, processes, devices
- know the rudiments of system administration
- understand and use the X Window system, desktop environments and window managers.
All software used in the course is free.
COURSE QUOTE: I find your lack of faith disturbing.
D. Vader
Grading Information:
EVALUATION: Your final grade will be based on a proctored
examination and weekly exercises
in the following proportions:
Homework 55%
Class participation 10%
Proctored Exam 35%
The grade of 'A' means "outstanding", i.e. "mastery of the material".
The grade of 'B' means "good". The grade of 'C' means "satisfactory".
Grades are curved and related to the class average. "Significantly
above" the class average are the A's, "above" (or sometimes even at)
the class average are the B's, at or below the class average are the
C's. Significantly below the class average are the D's and F's.
Usually, in the 90's is an A, 80's is a B, 70's is a C. Actually, this
method is to your advantage, as often the curve for grades is lower
than the traditional 90-100 A, 80-90 B etc, in other words it might be
85-100 is an A etc.
Or, A=90-100%; B=80-89%; C=70-79%; D=60-69%; F=0-59%.
whichever is better for you.
For important information about Proctored Exam procedures,
please see the Administrative Policies, Procedures, and Practices section at
the end of this syllabus.
The grade of “Fn” may only be assigned if a student stops attending
class during the first 60% of the class (end of week 6).
Term dates: 20 Aug ~ 14 Oct 2012
Week 1 Install Linux
Week 2 System hardware and software
Week 3 Files
Week 4 Shell
Week 5 tr, sort, cut etc
Week 6 grep and sed
Week 7 awk
Week 8 programming