I'm using the
Windows (x86, 64-bit), MSI Installer 5.5.28 32.6M
The default is to install and run the MySQL server automatically as a
service, which means it will start each time your system is booted.
You can manually start/stop it by: net start mysql OR net stop mysql
You can switch it to not start automatically at boot time by running services.msc and changing the Propeties
of MySQL so its "Startup type" is "Manual"
In a CMD command prompt window, run mysql to test if your mysql server is accessible.
Improve your use of command prompt: CMD tips
To manually add the server's folder to the command PATH (if you didn't
have the configuration wizard do so):
Start | Computer rt.click -- Properties--AdvancedSystemProperties--Advanced--Environment Variables--edit
Path, append:
;"C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\bin"
mysql.exe can be copied to other machines on your network and the
server accessed by:
mysql -h server's_IP_address
rpm -qa | grep -i mysqlIf none, download the Linux x86 RPM downloads
Or it's a Debian package. such as used by Ubuntu.
as root: apt-get install mysql will probably be mostly what's needed.
These are NOT needed for our class. They provide GUIs for
administration and organizing queries.
Administrator download makes admin easy
Query Browser
download site OK for organizing queries