First day
  1. Connect to the UMUC Wifi wireless network. Password is: UMUCWiFi
  2. Point your web browser to: 192.168.???.TBD
  3. Download mysql.exe into your [My] Documents folder. This 4MB program is a command line interface to any MySQL server. It is an excellent way to learn SQL, the database query language in which all database operations are done.
    32-bit version? mysql32old.exe
  4. Start Command Prompt. More informaton about Command Prompt is at cmd tips
  5. You might have to change directory to get to your [My] Documents: cd documents
  6. run the mysql client, pointing it to 192.168.???.TBD
    mysql -u cmis320 -h 192.168.???.TBD
  7. If your firewall asks permission to access the network, give it.
  8. You are now ready to do homework 1 as client
Read my helpful tips on installing it.