CMIS 141.
A study of the fundamental concepts and interrelationships of computer
architecture and operating systems and the functional approach to
components of a computer system.
This course is a study of the inter-workings of computer hardware and
how it is organized. Subjects to be discussed include: processors,
primary memory, basic digital logic circuits, the PCI bus, memory
models, CPU instruction formats, various addressing schemes, assembly
language, and a survey of parallel computer architectures.
On successful completion of this course the student will:
Midterm Exam: 25% Final Exam: 35% Assignments: 40%
The grade of 'A' means "outstanding", i.e. mastery of the
The grade of 'B' means "good". The grade of 'C' means "satisfactory".
Grades are curved and related to the class average. "Significantly
above" the class average are the A's, "above" (or sometimes even at)
the class average are the B's, at or below the class average are the
C's. Significantly below the class average are the D's and F's.
Usually, in the 90's is an A, 80's is a B, 70's is a C.
PENALTIES: There are penalties for late work. All work must be submitted as specified.
INCOMPLETES: The grade of I is exceptional and given only to students whose completed course work has been qualitatively satisfactory but who have been unable to complete all course requirements because of illness or other extenuating circumstances beyond their control. The grade of I may be considered only for students who have completed at least fifty (50) percent of the total course work requirements and who have received a passing grade on all the course work which they have completed. the instructor retains the right to make the final decision on granting a student's request for an I, even though the student may meet the eligibility requirements for this grade.
POLICIES, PROCEDURES AND GRADES: IAW with the University of Maryland, University Catalog, Asian Division, and the Student Handbook (current editions). These cover essential information such as attendance, grading, make-up work and plagiarism.
MISCELLANEOUS: * Students are expected to spend between two and three hours outside of class on course materials and preparation for every one hour spent in the classroom. e.g. a UMAD course meets for approximately 5 hours per week and you will be expected to spend between 10 and 15 hours additional time outside of class on course work for an average of 20 hours per week.