CMIS 242 - Intermediate Programming
Spring Session 2: 21 Mar 2011 ~ 11 May 2011
MW 2000-2245
Instructor: David Wills
Class web site:
CMIS 141
Further study of the Java programming language.
Topics include inheritance,
interfaces, graphical user interfaces, exceptions, arrays, and collections.
Emphasis is on using existing Java classes to build and document applications.
This course continues with the study of computer and information
science started in CMIS 141 using Java. The theory and
techniques of this class are fundamental to the computer science,
programming, and software engineering disciplines. The classic, most
useful, and most commonly needed data structures of computer software
are learned. Topics covered include
arrays, linked lists, sorting, searching, stacks, files,
queues, binary search trees, iterators and algorithms.
Event-driven GUI programming is introduced.
Programming projects ensure that
students have the opportunity to learn the material. An introduction
is made to object-oriented programming (OOP) that will be expanded
upon in CMIS 345. OOP topics include: encapsulation, data hiding,
classes and objects, constructors, methods.
On successful completion of this course, you
will be able to:
- proficiently use popular Java classes such as String, StringBuffer, and Scanner
- define, initialize, and use one-dimensional and multidimensional arrays
- effectively use inheritance, method overloading, and method overriding
- implement simple graphical user interface (GUI) applications using Java Swing classes
- use interfaces to capture user events from simple GUIs
- increase the robustness of Java applications using exception handling
- select appropriate Java collection classes for particular applications
8TH Edition 2011 LIANG $123.00
Note it's the same textbook of 141.
Software will be the same as you used in 141: JDK and JCreator (or
whatever/however you develop Java programs).
All software used in the course is free.
Grading Information:
EVALUATION: Your grade will be based on
examinations and some exercises and homework (programs) in the following
Midterm Exam: 15%
Final Exam: 25%
Assignments: 40%
Exercises: 20%
The grade of 'A' means "outstanding", i.e. "mastery of the material".
The grade of 'B' means "good". The grade of 'C' means "satisfactory".
Grades are curved and related to the class average. "Significantly
above" the class average are the A's, "above" (or sometimes even at)
the class average are the B's, at or below the class average are the
C's. Significantly below the class average are the D's and F's.
Usually, in the 90's is an A, 80's is a B, 70's is a C. Actually, this
method is to your advantage, as often the curve for grades is lower
than the traditional 90-100 A, 80-90 B etc, in other words it might be
85-100 is an A etc.
The grade of “Fn” may only be assigned if a student stops attending
class during the first 60% of the class.
Week 1 Chapter 1: OBP
Week 2 chapter 1: GUI intro
Week 3 Chapter 6: array lists
Week 4 Chapter 3: stacks
Week 5 Chapter 6: queues
Week 6 Chapter 7: searches
Week 7 Chapter 4: files
Week 8 Chapter 6: hash sets
PENALTIES: There are penalties for late work. All work must be submitted as specified.
INCOMPLETES: The grade of I is exceptional and given only to students whose completed
course work has been qualitatively satisfactory but who have been unable to complete
all course requirements because of illness or other extenuating circumstances beyond
their control. The grade of I may be considered only for students who have completed
at least fifty (50) percent of the total course work requirements and who have received
a passing grade on all the course work which they have completed. the instructor retains
the right to make the final decision on granting a student's request for an I, even
though the student may meet the eligibility requirements for this grade.
POLICIES, PROCEDURES AND GRADES: IAW with the University of Maryland, University
Catalog, Asian Division, and the Student Handbook (current editions).
These cover essential information such as attendance, grading, make-up work and
MISCELLANEOUS: Students are expected to spend between two and three hours outside of
class on course materials and preparation for every one hour spent in the classroom.
e.g. a UMUCAD course meets for approximately 5 hours per week and you will be expected
to spend between 10 and 15 hours additional time outside of class on course work for
an average of 20 hours per week.
Office hours are available at the request of students.