Welcome to CMIS 240 home page!


Style, grading, compiling notes

Multiple source file programs notes

A free up-to-date Windows ANSI C++ compiler: Dev-C++ (12 MB)
Unzip it, then run the setup. My setup tips

Free C++ IDE's for Linux.

Test if your compiler is somewhat up-to-date. ansiCpp.cpp

Everything as a 253K .zip file

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10

Week 1 notes
Week 2 notes
Week 3 notes
Week 4 notes
Week 5 notes
Week 6 notes
Week 7 notes
Week 8 notes
Week 9 notes
Week 10 notes
Week 13 notes
Week 14 notes