
function sendGetPage () {
//too many ' and " in heredoc?
$serverNamePhpSelf = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
$width = $_POST['width'];
$height = $_POST['height'];
$numVertices = $_POST['numVertices'];
$percentConnected = $_POST['percentConnected'];

echo <<< endOfGetPage
<title>PHP Create graph</title>
<form name="drawingForm"
<input name="generate" value="random" type="radio" checked>Random
  <input name="generate" value="clickablemap" type="radio">Clickable map (later)
Number vertices
<input type="text" size="2" maxlength="3"  name="numVertices" value="$numVertices">
Percent connected
<input type="text" size="2" maxlength="3"  name="percentConnected" value="$percentConnected">
Image size: Width
<input type="text" size="3" maxlength="4"  name="width" value="$width">
<input type="text" size="3" maxlength="4"  name="height" value="$height">
<input value="Create it" type="submit">

//initial page load.  display form
bail("");   //no error

$width = $_POST['width'];
$height = $_POST['height'];
$numVertices = $_POST['numVertices'];
$percentConnected = $_POST['percentConnected'];
//  test
$width = 200;
$height = 200;
$numVertices = 8;
$percentConnected = 50;

//type check and range check here...
//form input is always string!!!  must use is-numeric, not is-int
if (!is_numeric($width) || !is_numeric($height) ||
is_numeric($numVertices) || !is_numeric($percentConnected) ||
$width<1 || $width>1000 || $height<1 || $height>1000 ||
$numVertices<0 || $numVertices>500 || $percentConnected<0 || $percentConnected>100) {
bail( "BAD INPUT. width: $width h: $height numVertices: $numVertices percentConnected: $percentConnected \n");


$g = new Graph($numVertices, $percentConnected, $width, $height);

$im = drawGraph( $g, $width, $height);

//my directory needs to be 777 for apache to write to it:
if (($fp = fopen("graphfile.png","w")) == false) {
"<p>file open failed!</p>";

"<hr>\n<img src=\"graphfile.png\">\n";

$i = 0;
while (
$v = $g->eachVertex()) {
  if ((++
$i) % 10 == 0)

$numEdges = $g->getNumEdges();  
"<hr>$numEdges Edges:<br>\n";
$i = 0;
while (
$e = $g->eachEdge()) {
//echo $e->printEdge()."&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
$v1 = $e->getV1();
$v2 = $e->getV2();  //syntax error to chain method calls
echo $v1->getId()."-".$v2->getId()."[".round($e->getDistance())."]&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
  if ((++
$i) % 10 == 0)

"<hr>All pairs Dijkstra shortest paths:<br>";
"<table border=1>";
$i = 0;
while (
$s = $g->eachVertex()) {
$paths = explode("\n", $g->printDijkstraShortestPaths());
  foreach (
$paths as $path)

"<hr># connected components: ";
$numComponents = $g->getNumComponents();
$components = explode("\n", $g->printComponents());
foreach (
$components as $component)

if (
$numComponents == 1) {    //has a MST

$kruskal = new MST( $g, "kruskal");  
"<hr>MST Kruskal total distance: ".$kruskal->getKruskalDistance()."<br>\n";
$im = drawGraph( $kruskal, $width, $height);

  if ((
$fp = fopen("graphfilekruskal.png","w")) == false) {
"<p>file open failed!</p>";
"<img src=\"graphfilekruskal.png\"><hr>\n";

$prim = new MST( $g, "prim");  
"MST Prim total distance: ".$prim->getPrimDistance()."<br>\n";
$im = drawGraph( $prim, $width, $height);

  if ((
$fp = fopen("graphfileprim.png","w")) == false) {
"<p>file open failed!</p>";
"<img src=\"graphfileprim.png\">\n";

"<hr>Shortest paths (min # edges):\n";
"<table border=1>";
$i = 0;
while (
$v = $g->eachVertex()) {
//echo "<th>$v->getId()</th>\n";
$paths = explode("\n", $g->printShortestPaths());
  foreach (
$paths as $path)




function drawGraph( $g, $width, $height) {

//$im = ImageCreateTrueColor($width, $height);
  //fonts doesn't work in TrueColor ?!?!?!
$im = ImageCreate($width, $height);
$colors['white'] = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 255, 255);
ImageAlphaBlending($im, false);
ImageFilledRectangle($im, 0, 0, $width, $height, $colors['white']);
$colors['black'] = ImageColorAllocate($im, 0, 0, 0);
$colors['red'] = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 0, 0);
$colors['magenta'] = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 0, 255);
$colors['cyan'] = ImageColorAllocate($im, 0, 255, 255);
$colors['yellow'] = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 255, 0);
$colors['blue'] = ImageColorAllocate($im, 0, 0, 255);
$colors['green'] = ImageColorAllocate($im, 0, 255, 0);
$edgecolor = $colors['magenta'];  
$midcolor = $colors['cyan'];  
  while (
$e = $g->eachEdge()) {
$v1 = $e->getV1();   //can not chain ???
$x1 = $v1->getX();
$y1 = $v1->getY();
$v2 = $e->getV2();
$x2 = $v2->getX();
$y2 = $v2->getY();
ImageLine($im, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $edgecolor);
$xMid,$yMid) = $e->midPoint();
$angle = $e->angle();
//convert to GD angles: rt horiz is 0, up is 90, left horiz is 180 etc
if ($angle > 0)    //neg. slope (2nd quadrant)
$angle = 180 - $angle;
//pos. slope (1st quadrant)
$angle = -$angle;
    if (
$angle > 90)    //empirically.  flips the orientation
$angle += 180;
//ImageTTFText($im, 10, $angle, $xMid, $yMid, $midcolor, 'courb', (int)($angle));
ImageTTFText($im, 10, $angle, $xMid, $yMid, $midcolor, 'courb', round($e->getDistance()));
$vertexcolor = $colors['red'];  
$fontcolor = $colors['black'];  
//$ttfont = trim (`locate -n 1 .ttf`);   //found at onlamp article...
  while (
$v = $g->eachVertex()) {
$x = $v->getX();
$y = $v->getY();
ImageFilledRectangle($im, $x, $y, $x+3, $y+3, $vertexcolor);
//ImageTTFText($im, 10, 0, $x+4, $y+4, $fontcolor, $ttfont, $v->getId());
ImageTTFText($im, 12, 0, $x+4, $y+4, $fontcolor, 'courb', $v->getId());

function bail ($message) {


class Vertex {
$x, $y, $name, $id;

Vertex($x, $y, $name="") {
$count=1;    //pseudo- class field
$this->id = $count++;
$this->x = $x;
$this->y = $y;
$this->name = $name;

printVertex() {

getX() {
getY() {
getId() {



class Edge {
$v1, $v2, $w, $distance;

Edge($v1, $v2, $w=0) {
$this->v1 = $v1;      //change to reference ??
$this->v2 = $v2;
$this->w = $w;
//euclidean distance:
$dx = $this->v1->getX() - $this->v2->getX();
$dy = $this->v1->getY() - $this->v2->getY();
$this->distance = sqrt($dx*$dx + $dy*$dy);

printEdge() {

getV1() {

getV2() {

getDistance() {

midPoint() {
$coord = array();
$coord[] = ($this->v1->getX() + $this->v2->getX()) / 2;
$coord[] = ($this->v1->getY() + $this->v2->getY()) / 2;

//positive slope / is negative angle 0-90
  //negative slope \ is positive angle 0-90
function angle() {      
$x = $this->v1->getX() - $this->v2->getX();
$y = $this->v1->getY() - $this->v2->getY();



class Graph {
$vertices;  //array of Vertex
var $edges;     //array of Edge
var $Adj;       //2d array: adjacency (by vertex id)
var $numVertices;
$vertexIndex;   //iterator
var $edgeIndex;     //iterator
var $pred;     //array for BFT of BFS
var $predS;    //root vertex of BFT
var $DFSpred;  //array for DFS
var $numComponents;  //number of connected components
var $components;     //2d array
var $d;         //value of Dijkstra shortest path from s to each vertex

function Graph($numVertices, $percentConnected, $width, $height, $edgeType="undirected") {
$this->vertices = array();
$this->edges = array();
$this->numVertices = $numVertices;
$this->numEdges = 0;
//generate random vertices
for ($i=0; $i<$this->numVertices; $i++)
$this->vertices[] = new Vertex(rand(1,$width), rand(1,$height));
//generate random (undirected) edges
for ($i=0; $i<$this->numVertices; $i++) {
      for (
$j=$i+1; $j<$this->numVertices; $j++)  //to remaining vertices in array
if (rand(1,100) <= $percentConnected) {
$v1 = $this->vertices[$i];
$v2 = $this->vertices[$j];
$this->edges[] = new Edge($v1,$v2);
$this->Adj[$v1->getId()][] = $v2->getId();
$this->Adj[$v2->getId()][] = $v1->getId();

getNumEdges() {

resetVertices() {
$this->vertexIndex = 0;

eachVertex() {
    if (
$this->vertexIndex < $this->numVertices)

resetEdges() {
$this->edgeIndex = 0;

eachEdge() {
    if (
$this->edgeIndex < $this->numEdges)
//breadth-first search from vertex s (id)
  //CLR p. 470
function BFS ($s=1) {
$this->predS = $s;   //remember which vertex is root of this BFT
$color = array();
$d = array();
$this->pred = array();
$Q = array();   //queue of vertices on the fringe

for ($i=0; $i<$this->numVertices; $i++) {
$u = $this->vertices[$i]->getId();   //id
$color[$u] = "white";  //undiscoverdd
$d[$u] = 1000000000;   //distance to s: infinity
$this->pred[$u] = "";  //predecessor in the BFT: nil

$color[$s] = "gray";   //on the fringe
$d[$s] = 0;
$this->pred[$s] = "";  //is root, has no pred
$Q[] = $s;     //enqueue.  Q contains exactly the gray vertices

while (count($Q) > 0) { //not empty
$u = $Q[0];     //head of queue
$uNeighbors = count($this->Adj[$u]);
      for (
$i=0; $i<$uNeighbors; $i++)  {   //each v of Adj[u]
$v = $this->Adj[$u][$i];
    if (
$color[$v] == "white") {    //v is undiscovered
$color[$v] = "gray";    //put v on fringe
$d[$v] = $d[$u] + 1;   //one edge more than u away from s
$this->pred[$v] = $u;  //v's pred is u
$Q[] = $v;             //enqueue v
array_shift($Q);    //dequeue u
$color[$u] = "black";  //u is on tree. done with it

printShortestPaths() {
    for (
$i=0; $i<$this->numVertices; $i++) {
$v = $this->vertices[$i]->getId();   //id
$pathStrings .= $this->print_path($this->predS, $v, "")."\n";

//CLR p. 476
function print_path($s, $v, $path) {
    if (
$v == $s)
$path."  $s";
    else if (
$this->pred[$v] != "")   //not nil
return $this->print_path($s,$this->pred[$v])."  $v";
//no path to v
return "$s # $v";

//CLR p. 478
function DFS () {
$color = array();
//$d = array();   //discovery time
$this->DFSpred = array();
$this->numComponents = 0;
$this->components = array();

    for (
$i=0; $i<$this->numVertices; $i++) {
$u = $this->vertices[$i]->getId();   //id
$color[$u] = "white";  //undiscoverdd
$this->DFSpred[$u] = "";  //predecessor in DFS depth-first forest
    for (
$i=0; $i<$this->numVertices; $i++) {
$u = $this->vertices[$i]->getId();   //id
if ($color[$u] == "white") { //not yet discovered
$this->DFSvisit($u, $color);

DFSvisit( $u, &$color) {
$color[$u] = "gray";     //just been discovered
$this->components[$this->numComponents][] = $u;  //add to vertex list of this component
$uNeighbors = count($this->Adj[$u]);
    for (
$i=0; $i<$uNeighbors; $i++)  {   //each v of Adj[u]
$v = $this->Adj[$u][$i];
      if (
$color[$v] == "white") {    //v is undiscovered
$this->DFSpred[$v] = $u;
$this->DFSvisit($v, $color);
$color[$u] = "black";   //done

getNumComponents() {

printComponents() {
    for (
$i=1; $i<=$this->numComponents; $i++) {
$numV = count($this->components[$i]);
      for (
$j=0; $j<$numV; $j++)
$complist .= $this->components[$i][$j]." ";
$complist .= "\n";

//search edges array for vertices u, v  Needed by Prim MST
function findEdge($u, $v) {
    for (
$i=0; $i<$this->numEdges; $i++) {
$v1 = $this->edges[$i]->getV1();
$v2 = $this->edges[$i]->getV2();
      if (
$u==$v1->getId() && $v==$v2->getID())
      else if (
$v==$v1->getId() && $u==$v2->getId())    //undirected
return $i;

//CLR p. 520, 527
function Dijkstra( $s ) {   //shortest distance path from s to every other vertex
$this->predS = $s;   //remember which vertex is starter
$Q = array();  //priority queue
$this->pred = array();
//$parent = array();
$this->d = array();   //need this separate from Q.  Q gets dequeued but d doesn't.
for ($i=0; $i<$this->numVertices; $i++) {
$v = $this->vertices[$i]->getId();   //id is index
$Q[$v] = 1000000000;   //infinity
$this->d[$v] = $Q[$v];
$this->pred[$v] = "";
$Q[$s] = $this->d[$s] = 0;
    while (
count($Q) > 0) {  //not empty
arsort($Q);   //reverse sort, preserve id indexes
end($Q);   //set pointer to end
$u = key($Q);  //return key of last (min) element
array_pop($Q);  //remove and return last (min) element, throw value away
$uNeighbors = count($this->Adj[$u]);
      for (
$i=0; $i<$uNeighbors; $i++)  {   //each v of Adj[u]
$v = $this->Adj[$u][$i];
$eUV = &$this->edges[$this->findEdge($u,$v)];
$weightUV = round($eUV->getDistance());
    if (
$this->d[$v] > $this->d[$u] + $weightUV) {   //
$this->pred[$v] = $u;
$this->d[$v] = $this->d[$u] + $weightUV;
$Q[$v] = $this->d[$v];

printDijkstraShortestPaths() {
    for (
$i=0; $i<$this->numVertices; $i++) {
$v = $this->vertices[$i]->getId();   //id
$pathStrings .= $this->print_path($this->predS, $v, "");
      if (
$this->d[$v] < 1000000000)
$pathStrings .= " {".$this->d[$v]."}";
$pathStrings .= "\n";

class MST extends Graph {


MST ( $g, $whose) {
$this->vertices = $g->vertices;
$this->numVertices = $g->numVertices;
$this->edges = array();  //MST edges empty
$sortedEdges = array();

    if (
$whose == "kruskal") {       //bascially CLR.  horrifically inefficient.
$sortedEdges = $g->edges;    //copy of edges array
usort( $sortedEdges, 'edgeDistanceSort');
//test the sort:
      //for ($i=0; $i<$g->numEdges; $i++)
      //echo $sortedEdges[$i]->printEdge()." ".$sortedEdges[$i]->getDistance()."<br>\n";
$sets = array();    
      for (
$i=0; $i<$this->numVertices; $i++) {
$u = $this->vertices[$i]->getId();   //id
$sets[$u] = $u;   //each vertex in own singleton set
$numEdges = count($sortedEdges);
      for (
$i=0; $i<$numEdges; $i++) {   //each edge in increasing order
$v1 = $sortedEdges[$i]->getV1();
$u = $v1->getId();
$v2 = $sortedEdges[$i]->getV2();
$v = $v2->getId();
    if (
$sets[$u] != $sets[$v]) {    //if in different sets
$this->edges[] = $sortedEdges[$i];  //add to MST
$this->kruskalDistance += round($sortedEdges[$i]->getDistance());
//union of the 2 sets:
      //scan set array, change every vertex in u's to v's
$setU = $sets[$u];    //in case sets[u] changes.  debugged
for ($w=1; $w<=$this->numVertices; $w++) {
        if (
$sets[$w] == $setU)
$sets[$w] = $sets[$v];   
    else if (
$whose == "prim") {       //basically CLR.  horrifically inefficient.
$Q = array();  //priority queue
$parent = array();
      for (
$i=0; $i<$this->numVertices; $i++) {
$u = $this->vertices[$i]->getId();   //id is index
$Q[$u] = 1000000000;   //infinity
$root = rand(1,$this->numVertices);  //random vertex as root
$Q[$root] = 0;
$parent[$root] = "";   
      while (
count($Q) > 0) {  //not empty
arsort($Q);   //reverse sort, preserve id indexes
end($Q);   //set pointer to end
$u = key($Q);  //return key of last (min) element
array_pop($Q);  //remove and return last (min) element, throw value away
if ($parent[$u] != "") {   //not root
$eUV = &$g->edges[$g->findEdge($parent[$u],$u)];
$this->edges[] = $eUV;
$this->primDistance += round($eUV->getDistance());
$uNeighbors = count($g->Adj[$u]);
    for (
$i=0; $i<$uNeighbors; $i++)  {   //each v of Adj[u]
$v = $g->Adj[$u][$i];
      if (
key_exists($v,$Q)) {   //v not yet in MST
$eUV = &$g->edges[$g->findEdge($u,$v)];
$weightUV = round($eUV->getDistance());
        if (
$weightUV < $Q[$v]) {   //
$parent[$v] = $u;
$Q[$v] = $weightUV;
$this->numEdges = $this->numVertices - 1;


getKruskalDistance() {

getPrimDistance() {


//compare 2 Edges for usort.    not a member function?
function edgeDistanceSort($e1, $e2) {
$e1Distance = round($e1->getDistance());
$e2Distance = round($e2->getDistance());
  if (
$e1Distance < $e2Distance)
    return -
  else if (
$e1Distance > $e2Distance)