Neat stuff that you can do with SSI

Access the special SSI-only environment variables.

Time and date DATE_LOCAL:

This document name DOCUMENT_NAME:


It was last modified on LAST_MODIFIED:

Access all the regular environment variables.

This server is SERVER_NAME:

The server software is SERVER_SOFTWARE:

This server protocol is SERVER_PROTOCOL:

This server port is SERVER_PORT:

You are from REMOTE_HOST:

You are from REMOTE_ADDR:


Request method REQUEST_METHOD:

Query string QUERY_STRING:

Document root DOCUMENT_ROOT:

and all the others...

File statistics. use virtual for URLs relative to document root. Use file for paths.

Its size:

Last modified on:

Size of ice_cream_guestbook.html:

Last modified on:

Execute a program on the server. Incorporate its output here.

Execute a CGI program. Include its output

You are visitor

OMNI 1.1 does not support exec :(