Winplot 1.5MB exe file, no install. good for graphing non-function equations (functions too) Window maximize 2-dim maximize Equa 1. Explicit... f(x)= x^2 sqrt(x) sin(x) log(x) ln(x) e pi ... 3. Implicit... equations x^2+y^2=1 Point (x,y) Segment (x1,y1) to (x2.y2) Equa Inventory Ctrl+I dupl (copy and paste) edit Color pen width solid/dashed/dotted Arrows to move graph left right up down. PgUp zooms in PgDn zooms out If zoom out, might need to View | view ?????? View Grid... on/off: axes,ticks,X Y interval("scale") pi/2 "rectangular" for gridlines "border" for scales View Axes on/off View |Set corners to x y One | Zeros... Saves as a .wp2 file