IFSM 300 Name:_________________________ What resolution is your screen: ________________ RGB Colors Using the RGB Colors page at http://davidwills.us/capp386/javascript/colors.html What color/shade/hue would you say 255 99 71 is: ___________________ Adding 80 to the blue component turns it: ____________ Put the blue back to 71 and make the green 195; what color is it:____________ The shades of gray: DimGray is what RGB:________________ Gray is what RGB: ________________ MediumGray is RGB: ________________ DarkGray is RGB: ________________ Silver is RGB: ________________ LightGray is RGB: ________________ Salmon's RGB: ______________ LightPink's RGB: ______________ RGB of the color "midway" between them: ____________ The primary colors of RGB projected/emitted light are red, green, and blue. Full intensity Red, full intensity Green, no Blue is what color: __________ Full intensity Red, no Green, full intensity Blue is what color: __________ No Red, full intensity Green, full intensity Blue is what color: __________ These are the "secondary" colors. Using the "Your Favorite colors" page at http://davidwills.us/ifsm201/colors_examples.html What is the other name for magenta: ___________ What is the other name for cyan: ___________ The names in quotations are not official HTML color names. Emerald is what RGB: ___________ Mauve is what RGB: ___________ Amber is what RGB: ___________ Vermilion / cinnabar is what RGB: ___________