IFSM 201 Image lab. Browse to the Japan Mapping Agency website at: http://portal.cyberjapan.jp/denshi/index3.html Drag it until Okinawa is in the center. Click the zoom scales to zoom in (and out). Drag some more, until your home/barracks/gym/commissary or some other place of interest is centered. Notice the longitude and latitude of the center crosshairs are shown in the browser's location/address bar. Press keyboard key PrtScr or Print Screen to copy the window (i.e. the web browser) to the system clipboard. Start IrFanView (installed on lab computers and available for download and installation from the class web site). Paste the clipboard image in IrfanView. Crop by cutting just the map (i.e. not the browser bars), creating a new image (menu bar's Image tab, choose "Create New (empty) image...", then OK) and pasting just the cut map. Add some annotations: In menu Edit | Show Paint dialog The foreground drawing color can be changed from default black by clicking the rectangle at the bottom of the dialog window. Click the A to activate the text drawing tool, then click where on image you want to write text. Include the latitude and longitude (copied from browser's address bar) in a text message. Use an arrow and a circle. Save the image as a PNG file with the default level 6 compression. Print this in Landscape and Best-fitting the Letter-sized paper.