IFSM 201 Excel "kana" exercise. *New *Import the kana.txt file into an Excel worksheet: Open it in Excel: Data | Get [External or &Transform] Data | From Text click Load (the Text Import Wizard will do the importing, use the defaults). Save it as an Excel Workbook. Excel automatically creates a table, in this case with generic column headers because the data file does not contain a header row. Check to make sure you got all 5000 lines of data. Widen the columns for readability. Center align the single letter column. Comma style the C column, with no decimal digits. Add a new column that is the product of the third C and fourth D columns. Format the fourth D column and this new seventh G column in accounting style. Edit the header row to give meaningful names for the columns, using whatever names you think might make sense. Rename the sheet 'data'. On a sheet by itself, make a tabular summary of the statistics of the numeric columns (B,C,D,G) of this data. For each of the four numeric columns, show the sum, average, *standard deviation, min, max, and count of the values. Rename the sheet 'stats'. Format it so it looks good and the values are displayed appropriately for their type. Print this summary statistics sheet. Make a *scatter chart of the third C column. Put it on a chart-sheet by itself. Adjust the axes, legend, title, marker sizes so that the page is mostly usable information, so there's no wasted space. This is a uniform distribution (every value is equally likely). Print it. Make a scatter chart of the new seventh G column. Put it on a chart-sheet by itself. Adjust the axes, legend, title, marker sizes so that the page is mostly usable information, so there's no wasted space. This is a non-uniform distribution. Print it. Make a scatter chart of the third C and seventh G columns. Put it on a chart-sheet by itself. Make it look good by fiddling with the axes, title, markers etc. so there's no wasted space, minimize overlapping markers, labeled. *Add a linear trend/regression line: Trendline More Options... Include the *R-squared (correlation) value. Format the line and the R-squared value for visibility. See the kanaCGchart.pdf for what this can look like. (A chart can be Exported to a PDF file.) Print this chart. Back to the kana data table. Apply some multiway sorts on some columns and some filters on at least three columns, one being a label column, to reduce the number of rows to less than one printed page of rows. *Make sure that the filtering of the table does not change the data of the charts or the summary statistics. If it does, make a copy of the data onto another sheet and do the sorting and filtering there. Write in a cell what sorting and filtering has been done. Print this one page. Summary of what to print: the one-page sorted and filtered table, the summary statistics sheet, and the 3 charts.