IFSM 201 Access lab/homework K2 Do these: Hohenfels: paste all these into one Word document, clearly labeling them as 1a 1b etc and submit the one Word document. 1. Using the tables of Unit K: your modified K-1.accdb file, now called Outdoor Designs.accdb. a. print the results of the query of page 258/259. b print the results of a query that has the count, sum, average, min and max of YTD Grouped By Region. c. print the Customers table with the added calculated field of page 260/261, filtered to show Total Orders less than $10,000 2. Skills Review of pages 263-264, parts 6 and 7, using the K-2.accdb file, now called Puzzle Universe.accdb. Print the Top Puzzles by Supplier query results of figure K-26. Skip part 8. 3. Independent Challenge 1, parts g-l, using the K-3.accdb file, now called Bay Town Sports Camp.accdb. Print the Soccer Campers query results. Also do the Advanced Challenge Exercise. Print the Camper Payments Due query results. 4. Visual Workshop of page 270 using the K-7.accbd file.