How to do statistical/aggregate/summary function queries in Access. In your query's Design View (i.e. Query Design tab), in the Show/Hide group, click on Totals button (capital sigma). Notice it adds a line Total: in the grid. Put a numeric field into the grid (and no other fields). Notice the Total: cell says GroupBy. Click in that cell and choose either Sum, Avg, StDev, Min, Max, or Count in the Total cell. Run the query. The one row, one column result is that function of all the rows. Several numeric fields (including duplicates of the original) can be added, each having/doing a (different) statistical/aggregate function. Add a (usually Text) field to GroupBy. Put it so it is in the first "slot". Each different value of that field forms a group of rows whose summary statistic(s) is a row of the result. Importing data from a text file: External Data tab. Import&Link group. New Data Source. From File: Text File. Browse to the text file. Select it, Open it. "Import the source data into a new table in the current database." Delimited or Fixed width is usually correct. Next Delimiter character usually correct. Or field widths usually correct. First Row Contains Field Names click on if appropriate. Otherwise can create/modify field names and datatypes. Text Qualifier if text field data is quoted (as in CVS format). Next Primary key: if text contains, Choose my own primary key:specify field Next Tablename: is filename by default Finish (Close the Save Import Steps window)