CMST 385 More Tutorial 1 Exercises The "Cases" at the end of the chapter are excellent exercises. Do Case Problems 1, 2 and 3. It might be helpful to first read the instructions and underline every HTML tag and element they mention. Also, on the screenshot of the page, write down each tag next to where it applies. This will help you learn HTML. Include the link element for the CSS page but comment it so it doesn't take effect. Without the CSS, your web pages won't be identical to the screenshots in the book but for now we want to concentrate on HTML alone. You can uncomment the CSS link and compare the page with CSS to the page without CSS to start to get a feel for what CSS can do. Also, to check your page with the book's screenshot of it. For all of these pages, skip the script element that links the modernizr.js, as everyone has an up-to-date browser. You must INDENT properly. Create a folder named "Tutorial1" in your web site's public_html folder and put all of your tutorial 1 files in it (including the J-Prop and Basic Stick pages) otherwise your home page index will get too crowded. We will learn later how CSS effects the page, for now we want only to learn the HTML.