Using Irfanview blackgoose.gif Image--Information size of image:_____________ size of file:__________ #colors possible:_________ #colors used:________________ Click on pixel shows its location and color. the outer square frame is what RGB: (decimal and hexadecimal)________________________ the bluish breast (it's a bird) is what RGB: (decimal and hexadecimal)________________________ Double the size of the image. Image--Resize Notice it's blurry, so Image--Sharpen it. (twice?) #colors used:________________ too many, so Image--Decrease color depth--Custom 50 #colors used:________________ GIFs have limited number of usable colors (the "palette"). Image--Palette--Edit palette... edit an unused color to red. Edit--Show Paint dialog select red as the foregraound color, floodfill the outer square frame to red. Add a circle and the text BG to the image. ************************************************* Use a whole bunch of colors for the foreground and background of the elements of a copy of your homepage. Use color names and hex color codes. Name the file: homepageGarish.html