Remove the bottom panel that has the Window List. Move the top panel to bottom, increase its height. Add: Disk Mounter System Monitor. Add Memory, Network, Swap, Disk. increase width. once per second Change Desktop Background. Preferences: Keyboard Shortcuts: Window Management: (to avoid mousing to window buttons) F1 Minimize window F2 Toggle Maximization state F4 Close window Font: larger and bolder Screensaver: deactivate it Sessions: disable Nautilus Alarm Notifier, Restricted Drivers Manager, Update Notifier Administration: Services: deactivate atd, crond, bluetooth, cpu frquency monitor Activate root account: su passwd root Refresh the repository list so that 'Universe' and 'Multiverse' packages are included: apt-get update Edit /etc/logrotate.conf so that log files are rotated monthly instead of weekly. Delete the tty2-6 files in /etc/event.d/ so that only one virtual terminal gettyruns instead of six. Delete /etc/cron.daily/slocate ? Open Terminal, adjust font, create extra tab. Save Current Session so it always starts.