CMIT 391 Name:______________________________________ Get the cars_file.txt file from the class web site: wget Its five fields are: make, model, year, mileage, price. What kind of file is it? (use the file command) How many lines, words, characters are there? (wc) What are the whitespace characters between the fields? (od) What is its inode number? (ls) What is the command to extract the second and fourth columns? (cut) What is the command to sort by: (sort) lines (ie. default sort) by model (read about the b option; (use -b to ignore leading blanks of the last field. A field is considered to start at the blank at the end of the previous field)) reversely by year Using ~dwills/Testfiles/japan What kind of file is it? How many lines, words, characters are there? What are the whitespace characters between the fields? How many disk blocks are allocated to it? How many lines contain 'papa'? (grep) What is first field value that is first in alphabetical order? What is last field value that is last in alphabetical order? What is the largest value of the third field? A file whose name has eth0.leases as part of its name contains the DHCP lease information. Where is this file? What is the last username when the passwd file is sorted on its numeric third field? Find all the files larger than 10MB on the system. Hint: find / -size 10M throw away any error messages about permission denied by redirecting standard error to the null device (bit bucket): 2>/dev/null How many files and directories are in /etc? How much disk space are they using? How many files and directories are in your home directory? How much disk space are they using?