CMIT 391 Name;______________ Build up longer pipelines: From the 'japan' file cut out the sixth field (specify the columns to extract). What is the first "word" in alphabetical order:_____ the last "word":_______ The number of different words:_____ The number of different letters used in the first column (hint: cut again):_______ The number of words that start with an h (hint: grep):_______ In the 'weblog' file, How many different IP addresses requested files:________ How many hits did user dwills get:________ How many different IP addresses did those hits come from:____ What type were the non-GET requests:______ How many were there:_______ The last field is the size of the downloaded file. What is the size of the largest downloaded file:_________ What file is it:__________ Hint: extract the last field. space separates the 10 fields.