CMIT 391 Bonus lab. Name:_____________________ Using the WMO weather stations file: stations.txt whose fields/columns are explained in stationsFields.txt fake out sort by specifying a non-existent in the file character-62 as the field delimiter, then entire line is first field and then can sort on columns: sort -nr -t'*' -k 1.59,1.62 #sort based on columns 59 Using the "first" elevation fields (i.e. columns 59-62): What is the highest elevation station:_______________ What is the lowest elevation station (note: -999 means no data):______________ How many countries have only one station:________ Does column 68 contains any character in addition the three that it's supposed to:____ If so, what:______ What is the topographical breakdown of the stations (i.e. how many of each type of topography):_________________________________________________ How many stations are in metropolitan areas with a population of one million or more:____ What are the areas of 10 million or more population (figure it out and just write the names of these half dozen or so city areas): __________________________________________________________________________ What are the five countries with the most number of stations: _______________________________________________ heights of stations higher than 4000 meters How many stations are in the southern hemisphere (negative latitude) How many stations are in the South America, which is between latitude 12N-58S and longitude 35-82W:_____________ The stations higher than 4000 meters