CMIS 325 Mostly grep. Using the 'japan' file: How many lines contain a p?_________ How many lines contain a pa?_________ How many lines contain a pap?_________ How many lines contain a papa?_________ What are the line numbers of the lines containing a papa?_________ How many lines contain a z in the one-letter field:_______ In the 'rime.txt' file: How many lines have the string ice?_________ How many lines have the word ice?_________ How many lines have the string ice, regardless of case?_________ How many lines have "and the"._________ What are their line numbers?_________ How many lines don't contain a space (these will probably be empty lines)?_________ How many empty lines are there:________ How many lines consisting of spaces only are there:_____ In the 'weblog' file: What is the largest known gif/GIF file that was accessed:___________ (file size is the last field) Command line used:___________________________________________ How many hits are from the 131 network (i.e. start with 131):______ How many 206 status codes (second to last field) are there:__________ How many requests were HTTP/1.0:________ How many requests were HTTP/1.1:________ How many hits were to rharris or dwills:_______ How many hits are for neither GIFs nor JPGs nor JPEGs (either lettercase):________ In the 'alice' file: How many lines contain Alice:______ How many lines contain ALICE:______ How many lines contain alice:______ How many lines contain alice in any mix of case:______ How many lines contain alice in any mix of case more than once:_______ How many empty lines are there:_____________ In the 'country.txt' file (comma is the field separator, strings are single-quoted): How many countries in the continent of Africa:___________ What is the population of the second-most populated African country:________ (population is the 7th field of the file) Make a command line that will count the number of 2-letter country codes that start with an F:________________________________________________________