CMIS 325 Bold your answers, as usual. To keep our posted stuff looking the same as in the shell, use a Font like Courier New. Name:_______________________________ Make a (sub)directory in your home directory to put all the below files. Download (try wget) these files from alice last.txt rime.txt linuxride.gif weblog Hint: wget Using ls -l, file, and wc commands: The alice file: How many bytes is the file:______________ Who is the owner of the file:___________ What is the timestamp of the file:____________________ What are the permissions string of the file:__________________ How many 'words' and lines in the file:________________ What type of file is it:_________________ On line 700 of the file Alice mentions who (use + option of more):___________ The linuxride.gif file: Words and lines are meaningless for a binary file. What is the size of the file______________ What is the type of the file:______________ What is the color in the ls listing of the file:______________ Change the name of the file to arfarf, what is the color now:______________ What does the file command say the type of file is now:______________ (Change the name back to what it was.) Where is the date command in the system (i.e. what file is it, hint: 'which' command):_____ What type of file is it:______________ What is its size:______________ Who is the owner of the file:______________ Also, create or copy at least one file of each of these types: --JPEG image --sound file (e.g. WAV, AU, MP3, MIDI) --Java source and class files --HTML --plain ASCII text --directory (i.e. a subfolder) --executable command file (many in /usr/bin) --shell script file (many in /etc/init.d) --symbolic link to some file in the filesystem (hint: ln -s command) Hint: locate .extension then the cp command to copy. Then paste the output of the: ls -l file wc commands on the directory's contents (hint: *) ______