CMIS 325 Name:______________ Hardware: CPU make and model, speed, cache size, BogoMips: ____________________________________________________________ How many CPUs:________ Amount of RAM: ______________________________ Sizes and types of disk partitions, total size of disk(s): ____________________________________________________________ Size of swap space and what partition it is: ______________________________ Software: Distribution: ______________________________ Release of kernel: ______________________________ Hostname and IP address(es): ______________________________ Number of tasks/processes in the system: ______________________________ How long the system has been up: ______________________________ System date and time: ______________________________ How many times the system has been rebooted: ______________________________ The last time 'root' was logged on: ______________________________ The number of regular user accounts the system has (UIDs of 1000 or more): ______________________________ Who is logged on: _________________________ What is your home directory (i.e. its full pathname) ______________________________ How much disk space is your home directory (and all its subdirectories) using: ______________________________ How many files are in and how much disk space is used in each of /bin ________ _________ /usr/bin ________ _________ /sbin ________ _________ /usr/sbin________ _________ these are the directories where most of the software/programs are. What files in the system have your login name as part of their names but are not in your home directory or its subfolders: ______________________________________________