CMIS 325 Using ~dwills/Testfiles/japan Fun with grep: How many lines contain a p? How many lines contain a pa? How many lines contain a pap? How many lines contain a papa? What are the line numbers of the lines containing a papa? Using the ~dwills/Testfiles/rime file: How many lines contain mariner, in any case? Practice with tr (and maybe friends, in pipelines): Make all letters lowercase. How many lines, words, characters are there? Make the contents of the lowercased rime file one word per line, with no blank lines. How many are there and how many characters? Strip all but letters. How many are there? Then do so but letters, spaces and newlines. How many words and characters? This is what we want: Strip all punctuation, leaving spaces and newlines, make all letters lowercase, one word per line. How many words and characters (number of lines will be same as the number of words)? What is the last of those words in sorted order? How many different words are there? What is the length of the longest word? (hint: wc)