
tr sort cut
Program reads some input, performs some function or transformation on it, writes some output.
Combining filters and shell programming to quickly put together powerful tools.

standard input or file ---> filter ---> standard output

Examples: grep, sed, awk, tr, wc, uniq, cmp, diff, sort
(cat is a non-transforming filter.)
Nonexamples: date, ls, echo, vi. Any interactive program.



transliterate: replaces chars in one list with corresponding chars in another list (all of one char replaced by another, or with nothing, i.e. delete all of a char). Limited form of editing: global find and replace. File can get smaller but never bigger.
Pure filter (standard input only).
/usr/ucb/tr BSD tr has this easier syntax.

Ex. myfile Newline at end. tr sees newlines, i.e. is not "line-oriented" like grep and sed.
Computo, ergo sum.

$ tr a-z A-Z <myfile # capitalize all letters

$ tr aeiou X <myfile # change lowercase vowels to X
CXmpXtX, XrgX sXm.

-d option: one list of chars to delete
$ tr -d aeiou <myfile # delete lowercase vowels
Cmpt, rg sm.

$ tr -d \\r <dosfile
# delete the carriage return \r chars of a DOS file. od -c to see

-c option: use opposite of first list
$ tr -c aeiou '*' <myfile # change every char except lowercase vowel to *
(newline changed too)

-s option: compress (squeeze) runs of same converted char into one char
$ tr -cs aeiou '*' <myfile

tr -dc a-zA-Z <myfile #delete non-letters

Ex. Convert input to one word per line:
$ tr -cs A-Za-z '\n' <myfile # non-letters convert to newline, compress. Octal 12=newline
tr -s ' '  ' '     #squeeze runs of spaces to single space

tr '()' '{}'       # change parens to braces

tr ab ba           # swap a and b

tr \'\" \"\'       # swap single and double quotes

tr -cs 0-9 ''      #all digits only, onto one line


-r      reverse order (i.e. descending)
-f          fold lowercase into uppercase letters
-u      eliminate duplicate lines
-d      letters, digits, spaces only (ie. ignore punctuation chars)
-n      numerically  else 10 < 9
-k N     sort from the Nth field
+i       sort from the i+1th field
-i   sort to i+1th field
+i.j sort on i+1th field starting at j+1th position of that field
-tc      change field separator to c
-b  ignore leading blanks (fields start at first leading blank)
-o  output file (can be input file)

$ sort -r -n -t: +2 /etc/passwd
# sort passwd file in reverse order, numerically by UID

$ sort -n +1 -2
#sort numerically on second field
$ sort -n +4 -5 +1 -2
#sort fourth field primary sort key, second field secondary key
$ sort -o combo a b c #merge previously sorted a b c files into combo file

extract columns or fields from a file. Vertical slices.

$ cut -c1-3,5-10 myfile
# columns 1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10 to output

-ffield-list default field separator is Tab
$ cut -f2,5 myfile
# fields 2 and 5 output

-dc change field separator to c
$ cut -f2 "-d " myfile
# space as field separator, output 2nd field

$ cut -f5 -d: /etc/passwd
# name field of password file

files together side by side
(cat concatenates files)


--global/generalized regular expression printer/parser
--pattern matching utility (same as in ed, sed, awk, emacs, C, Perl, JavaScript, Java)
--searches file for lines containing string pattern (i.e. limited or full regular expression) and outputs each line that matches. Processes one line at a time.
--text manipulation is a Unix forte
--useful for database-like queries but not numeric comparisons, eg. field3 < 800, nor ANDing, nor fields

grep [options] pattern file(s)
$ ps ax | grep billybob    # only lines of ps that contain billybob
billybob    Tue  12:21   tty03     sh   

Ex file: f1
hello, this is file 'stuff'
it has only two lines
$ grep th f1
hello, this is file 'stuff'
$ grep aardvark f1
#no lines match, thus no output
if the pattern has any spaces or punctuation quote it:
$ grep 'is is' f1    # Use quotes to escape shell parsing/interpretation as two args is and is
hello, this is file 'stuff'            # (2nd is would be filename)

-n option print line number. useful if big file:

$ grep -n has f1
2: it has only two lines
-v option inverts sense, i.e. lines that don't match:
$ grep -v has f1
hello, this is file 'stuff'
$ grep -v 'a' rime.txt  #lines that don't contain an a
$ grep -v ' ' rime.txt  #lines that don't contain a space
-o option show only the match
--color option colorized match

search in multiple files: i.e. find files that contain certain information, strings, patterns:
$ grep billybob *                # all lines in all files in current directory that contain billybob
$ grep 'rand()'  *.cpp            #quote shell's ()
main.cpp:      r1 = rand() % N;
main.cpp:   if (rand() % 2)
simul.cpp:       alpha[i] = rand() % limit;

$ grep wills /etc/* 2>/dev/null       #toss error messages

-l option list filename only:
$ grep -l 'rand()' *.cpp
-i option ignore case:
$ grep -i oak  myfile                     # all 8 strings
$ grep -i mariner rime.txt
-c gives count of matched lines (or pipe into wc -l):
$ grep -ci mariner rime.txt
Patterns: grep has its own set of metacharacters (operators). Regular expressions: a language for describing the patterns of strings. Different and more powerful than shell's filename generation patterns.

. any single char (ASCII char):
Example pattern: sp.t matches spat, spot, spIt, spxt, sp3t, sp@t, sp t, sp.t but not sp\nt Newline never matched (newline not part of the line grep searches in). grep works line by line (by default)
$ grep 'h.s' f1
hello, this is file 'stuff'
it has only two lines
\ escape grep metacharacter: (grep's \, not the shell's)
$ grep '\.' f1   # quote to escape shell, \ to escape grep's "." grep's arg is \.
$                             # no lines in f1 that have "."
$ grep \. f1     # arg to grep is .  Actual match is first (ie. leftmost) on line.
hello, this is file 'stuff'
it has only two lines

[] char class, like shell, any single char enclosed:
$ grep 'h[ieo]s' f1           # his, hes, hos  (no others)
hello, this is file 'stuff'

$ grep '[oO][aA][kK]'  myfile          #all 8 strings
Range of chars:
$ grep 'f[a-z]' f1         # fa, fb, fc,...fz
hello, this is file 'stuff'

$ grep '[0-9]' rime.txt     #any digits?

.[a-z]      any char followed by a lowercase letter

Reverse set or range: ^ as first character in []
[^aeiou]       any char except lowercase vowel
[^a-zA-Z]      non-letter
$ grep 'h[^ei]' f1
it has only two lines

[A-Z][^A-Z]    an uppercase letter followed by any char except an uppercase letter,
                     e.g. D5, Dc, R , M$      26 * 229 such 2 char combos
[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]            # "zip code"
Anchors: ^ beginning of line, $ end of line
^The    --match any line starting with The
done$   --match any line ending with done
\.$     --match any line ending with period
.$      --match any char at end of line
^[^a-zA-Z]  --line not starting with letter

$ grep '^i' f1      # any line starting with i
it has only two lines
Ex. list directories:
$ ls -l | grep '^d'                      # lines starting with d
Ex. list executable files:
$ ls -l | grep '^-..x'           
# starting with -, followed by any 2 chars, followed by x

^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]$        # lines consisting of "zip code" (and nothing else)
Closure: * match zero or more occurences of the preceding pattern. Multiplier.
ho*t        #ht, hot, hoot, hooot,...
[0-9][0-9]* #one or more digits
.*          #zero or more chars, i.e. anything/everything up to newline.   grep '.*'  ==  cat
[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*      #C/Java identifier
<.*>      #HTML tag
-i '^[a-z][a-z]*$'  lines consisting of letters only
N.B. Newline is never matched.
Leftmost maximal match. Maximal matching i.e. longest possible match, "greedy match".
.*v              --match everything up to last v.  
                cf. sed editing:   hellov hiv there
[a-zA-Z]*        --match any alphabetic string, including null string
[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]*    --match any nonempty alphabetic string

^$      --match line with zero chars, i.e. newline only.  Empty line.
^ *$    --match empty line and line with spaces only
^   *$    --match empty line and line with tabs only
^[  ]*$     --match empty line and line with spaces and tabs only. bash: ^V to escape Tab
^[  ][  ]*$ --lines with blanks and tabs only, but not empty lines

$ grep 'a.*e.*i.*o.*u'  /usr/share/dict/words        
# all 5 vowels in order, ex. sacrilegious

# one of each vowel, in order, ex. facetious
$ grep '^[^aeiou]*a[^aeiou]*e[^aeiou]*i[^aeiou]*o[^aeiou]*u[^aeiou]*$'  /usr/dict/words

# all 5 vowels, ex. unidirectional. a pipeline of greps:  AND
$ grep a /usr/share/dict/words | grep e | grep i | grep o | grep u

$ grep '................' /usr/share/dict/words      
#lines longer than 15 chars.  (wc -L will tell length of longest)
$ grep '^.$'   #lines of one character

# words of 6 chars or more in letter order, ex. almost
$ grep '^a*b*c*d*e*f*g*h*i*j*k*l*m*n*o*p*q*r*s*t*u*v*w*x*y*z*$'  /usr/dict/words |  grep '......'

pattern\{3,5\}      #match 3 to 5 of pattern
[0-9]\{5\}          #match 5 digits, e.g. zip code
$ grep '[a-zA-Z]\{10,\}' rime.txt       #lines with words of 10 or more characters

$ grep -c '^[   ]*$' myfile             # number of empty and blank lines
Ex. All lines with word cat:
$ grep cat myfile                   # but gives cat, cattle, scatter,...
$ grep ' cat ' myfile               # but misses cat., cat!, cat?, cat,, (cat,...
$ grep '[ ({]cat[)}.,?!]' myfile    # but is inclusive?
$ grep '[^A-Za-z]cat[^A-Za-z]' myfile    # any punctuation ok [but
misses beginning and end of line]
-w matches exact words
Ex. users without password, i.e. 2nd field of passwd empty
# start of line, any number of non-colon chars, followed by 2 colons:
$ grep '^[^:]*::' /etc/passwd
$ grep -v '^[^:]*:x:' /etc/passwd  #passwords of x
fgrep: no patterns, but many searches in parallel (OR). Can be done in grep with -F option.
f=fast. Different algorithm than grep.
$ fgrep 'garp
> jones
> billybob' /etc/passwd                                    
# all lines with garp or jones or billybob or combo

$ fgrep -f names_file /etc/passwd                     
# names_file has the words to search for
egrep: all that grep has plus full/extended regular expressions.
| Or (alternation):
$ egrep 'garp|jones|billybob' /etc/passwd
# any line with garp or jones or billybob

Jack|Jill Jones                            
# Jack or Jill Jones, not Jack Jones or Jill Jones
() for grouping:
(Jack|Jill) Jones                        
 # matches Jack Jones or Jill Jones
+ one or more occurences of preceding pattern
[0-9]+      #one or more digits
^[  ]+$ #lines with blanks and/or tabs but not empty lines
? zero or one occurence of preceding pattern
ho*t                    # ht, hot, hoot, hooot,...
(ho)*t                  # t, hot, hohot, hohohot,...
ho+t                    # hot, hoot, hooot,...
ho?t                    # ht, hot
80[234]?86           #Intel processors
integers: optional + or -, without leading zeros
reals with optional exponential part
# palindromes, ex. civic
# words with only one vowel, ex. dystrophy
# words with 4 of same vowel, ex. voodoo



stream editor. Noninteractively edits text as it streams thru. Performs editing on lines, outputs each to standard output. Input file is unchanged. Uses ed commands, and pattern matching as in grep. sed goes thru file once. File lines stream thru, sed will or won't edit the line. Useful for editing streaming text in a pipeline, very large files, automatic editing.
sed can do everything grep and tr can do.
sed and awk, by Dougherty

sed 'editing_command(s)' file(s)

editing_commands / script:
1.) line specifier (default is every line) to indicate which lines and/or
2.) editing instruction to operate on the matching lines
1a.) line number or range of numbers:

 3      # third line in file
 5,8    # lines 5 thru 8 [lines 5 and 8 by separate duplicated editing cmds]
 10,$   # lines 10 thru end of file ($ is ed's last line specifier)
Unlike ed, no relative line numbering (e.g. $-9 ninth from last, +2 two lines forward)
1b.) regular expression pattern enclosed in / to specify lines:
 /big/          # all lines containing string big
 /[Dd]o/        # all lines containing Do or do
 /^f[a-z]/      # all lines starting f followed by letter
 /[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/     #all lines with "zip code"
 /^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]$/   #all lines consisting of "zip code"
 /regex/I   case-insensitive
a&b combined):
 1,/enough/     # from line 1 to first line with enough    
 /word/,20      # from first line with word to line 20
! opposite of specified lines:
  /word/,20!  # from line 1 to line before first line with word and lines 21 thru end of file
2.) editing instructions:
d --delete line
s --substitution
q --quit
sed automatically outputs ("prints") each line, so p duplicates lines
$ sed '' myfile             # cat
$ sed 'p' myfile            # each line duplicated.  [use?]
$ sed 'd' myfile            # delete every line, i.e. no output
$ sed '10 q' myfile         # head
$ sed '/aardvark/d' myfile  # delete lines with aardvark (output all others):  grep -v aardvark
$ sed '/aardvark/!d' myfile # delete every line that doesn't contain aardvark: grep aardvark  

$ sed '/^$/d' myfile        # delete empty lines: grep '.'
$ sed '/^[  ]*$/d' myfile   # delete blank and empty lines  (space and Tab)

$ sed '1,/Chapter 1/d' myfile # delete lines 1 thru first w/Chapter 1
$ sed '1,5d' myfile           #delete first 5 lines. (output lines 6 to end: tail +6)

-n option: only print lines explicitly told to with p. Extract a line or range of lines.
$ sed -n 24p  myfile             # extract line 24
$ sed -n 24,28p  myfile          # extract lines 24 thru 28
$ sed -n '1,10p' myfile          # head
    # only output lines 1 thru 10. Without -n would dup 1-10, then rest of file output
$ sed -n '/LINUX/p' myfile        # only lines with LINUX output
$ sed -n '/LINUX/Ip' myfile       # only lines with linux in any case output
$ sed -n '/pattern/ p' myfile    # grep 'pattern'
$ sed -n '$p' myfile             # only last line printed. tail -1
$ sed -n '/^[   ]*$/!p' myfile   # delete blank lines.  Non-blank lines are output.
$ sed -n '/./p' myfile           # non-empty lines output
$ sed -n '/[^ ]/p' myfile        # lines without a space

s/oldstring/newstring/ Oldstring can be grep-like pattern: ^ $ . * ? [^] But not egrep | () + unless -r option
Can use other delimiters instead of /
g -- global (each occurence per line, else only first)
$ sed 's/Bob/Robert/g' myfile      #replace every Bob with Robert  
$ sed '1,6s/Bob/Robert/' myfile    #first Bob on a line to Robert in lines 1 thru 6  
$ sed 's/^/   /' myfile       #add 3 spaces at beginning of each line.  g would be useless
$ sed -r 's/ +/ /g' myfile    # compress multiple blanks (run of spaces) to single blank
                              #  need 1 or 2 spaces before the +     tr -s ' ' ' '
$ sed -r 's/ +$//' myfile     # delete trailing blanks  Right-trim
$ sed -r 's/^ +//' myfile     # delete leading blanks   Left-trim
$ sed -r 's/ +/,/g' myfile    # change runs of spaces to comma (field separator)
$ sed 's/<[^>]*>//' myfile # delete HTML tags (assumes no more than one per line...)
newstring can include & which means entire matched oldstring:
$ sed 's/UNIX/"UNIX"/g' myfile    # replace all UNIX with "UNIX".  Shell "" escaped because in ''
$ sed 's/UNIX/"&"/g' myfile   # same
& useful if oldstring is a pattern:
$ sed 's/.*/(&)/' myfile                  # parenthesize line
$ sed 's/U[nN][iI][xX]/"&"/g' myfile      # replace UNIX, UnIx ... with quoted UNIX, etc
$ sed 's/[^ ][^ ]*/<&>/g' myfile    # angle bracket each word
$ sed -r 's/[^ ]+/<&>/g' myfile     # angle bracket each word
Escape sed metacharacter with \ (sed's \)
ex. escape the &
$ sed 's/ and/ \&/g' myfile               # replace  and with  &
tagging: parts of oldstring enclosed in \( \) and referred to by number in new string
$ sed 's/\(Jack\) and \(Jill\)/\2 and \1/g' myfile        # replace Jack and Jill with Jill and Jack
$ sed 's/\([jJ]ack\) and \([jJ]ill\)/\2 and \1/g' myfile  # same, but jack/Jack and jill/Jill
Ex. try to change all seperate with separate:
s/[sS]eperate/[sS]eparate/ Pattern not allowed in newstring (what to make the new string?) so:
$ sed 's/\([sS]ep\)erate/\1arate/g' myfile
Ex. file of Lastname, Firstname to Firstname Lastname
$ sed 's/\([^,]*\), \(.*\)/\2 \1/' myfile
w --write to a file
Ex. delete lines with 'billybob', copy them to a file
$ sed '/billybob/dw debobbed' myfile #?????
Ex. change billybob to garp, copy those lines to file (and go to output too)
$ sed 's/billybob/garp/gw garpfile' myfile #????

Ex. trim output of who to only user name: (first word of line with cut -f1)
$ who | sed 's/ .*$//'      
# all chars from first space to end of line matched, replaced by null string. $ not necessary.
$ sed 's/^...//' myfile        # cut -c4-
   # delete first 3 chars of each line.  ^ not needed.  <3 chars in line ignored
$ sed 's/\(...\).*/\1/' myfile   # delete all but first three chars: cut -c1-3
$ sed 's/...//g' myfile  # chars of line deleted until 0,1,or 2 left  (last ones in line)
$ sed 's/.$//' myfile    # delete last char of each line
$ sed 's/[^A-Za-z0-9]//g' myfile  # delete all non-alphanumerics: tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9 \n'

Several editing commands simultaneously. Must be on separate lines. Perform first, then second,...on input line.
$ sed 's/Dodger/Giant/g
>s/Giant/Yankee/g'  myfile 
# some Giant were originally Dodger
Ex. change billybob to garp, copy to file, delete lines with garp
$ sed 's/billybob/garp/gw garpfile
>        /garp/d'   myfile
Ex. change billybob to garp, copy to file, delete original lines with garp
$ sed -n '/garp/!p                  # lines without garp printed
>          s/billybob/garp/gw garpfile'  myfile
-f option: editing cmds/script from file (shell escape quotes not needed in file): remember complex, multiple use...
$ sed -f edit1 -f edit2 myfile      # as if cmds were on cmd line
-e option: intermingling cmds from file and cmd line:
$ sed -e 's/New York/Boston/g' -f edit1 myfile
Ex. Double space a file (add newline at end of each line):
$ sed 's/$/\  #sed escape (\) the newline that would terminate editing instruction
>/' myfile       
N.B. Newline is never matched, thus can't delete them.(Use tr)

Ex. Make one word per line (word = non-whitespace chars)
$ sed 's/ /\
>/g' myfile                   
# each space replaced by newline.  Might be some runs of blank lines if were run of spaces.
Ex. Replace each sequence of one or more spaces and tabs with newline:
$ sed -r 's/[  ]+/\
>/g' myfile                          
Ex. One char per line:
$ sed 's/./&\
>/g' myfile   # each and every char change to itself and newline
Ex. Delete all non-letters, keep words separate:
$ sed 's/[^A-Za-z]/ /g' myfile     # replace non-letters by space
Ex. Delete blank lines, strip punctuation, one word per line:
$ sed 's/[^A-Za-z]/ /g
>s/ /\
>/^ *$/d' myfile
s/[^a-zA-Z ]//g    # delete non-letters except spaces
s/  */\            # runs of spaces to newline
/^ *$/d            # delete blank lines


aho, weinberger, kernighan The Awk Programming Language
sed and awk, by Dougherty
Effective awk Programming, by Robbins
GNU Awk User's Guide
pattern scanning and processing language
"grep and sed in a programming language (C)". one-liners, in pipeline.
--pattern matching
--line decomposition (automatically splits lines into fields)
--C-like programming features (if, looping, variables, arrays, arithmetic, functions)
--filter. line by line like sed
--database-like records and fields processing (structured text)
Automatically does:
--awk 'program' executed on each line.
--input of lines.
--splitting of input line into fields
--declares variables, array elements
--initializes variables to 0 or null string

awk 'awk-program' filename(s)

awk-program: pattern {action} pattern {action} ...
If line matches pattern, do the action.

Output to standard output, input file unchanged.

awk: line is a record, words, by default separated by spaces, are fields

awk fields of line: $1 $2 ... $0 is entire line
$ awk '/chicken/ {print $1, $3, $5}' myfile
# print fields 1,3,5 of each line with chicken
$ awk '/bobo/ {print $1, $3, $5}' japan.txt
If no such field, nothing printed. $30

If no pattern, do action on every line:
$ who | awk '{print $1}'
# username field of who output
$ awk '{print}' myfile
# print every line: cat

If no action, default is to print matching line:
$ awk '/turkey/' myfile
# print each line with turkey: grep
$ awk '/^[ ]+$/' myfile
# print each blank line
Multiline program: # sh but not ksh???
$ awk '/Peking duck/ {print $2}
>/goose/ {print $3}' myfile
# print 2rd field of Peking duck lines, 3rd field of goose

-f option: program is in file:
$ awk -f awkcmds1 myfile
#shell does not read the file, escapes not needed in file

-F option: change field separator (FS awk variable):
Ex. change FS to :, print name and UID of each user
$ awk -F: '{print $1, $3}' /etc/passwd
$ awk -F: '{print "username:", $1, " UID:", $3}' /etc/passwd

NR variable: line number of current record (i.e. how many lines have been read)
NF variable: number of fields this record has
$ awk '{print NR, $0}' myfile
# print each line, preceded by its line number: cat -n
$ awk '{print NR, NF}' myfile
# print line number and number of fields for each line
$ awk 'NR==11{exit}' myfile # head
$NF --last field of record $(NF-1) --second-to-last field
$ awk '{print $NF}' myfile
# print last field of each line

Patterns (full regular expressions as in egrep) enclosed in slashes:
  ^ beginning of line
  $     end of line anchors
 .  any one char
  []    any one enclosed char
  [^]   any char not enclosed
  *     zero or more occurences of preceding
  +     one or more occurences of preceding
  ?     zero or one occurence of preceding
  ()    grouping
  |     or
  /reg expr/

$ awk '/^[A-Z]/ {print}' myfile
# print lines that start with uppercase letter
$ awk '/^[ ]*$/ {print NR}' myfile
# print line number of blank and empty lines

Field matching:
~   match (contains)
 !~  does not match
  $2~/Delaware/   --if 2nd field matches (contains) Delaware,do the action
  $2~/^Delaware$/       --if 2nd field is Delaware
  $2!~/Delaware/        --if 2nd field is not Delaware, do action
  $3~/P|M/              --if 3rd field has a P or M
  $3~/^P$|^M$/          --if 3rd field is P or M.  Field anchors.
  $3~/^P|^M/            --if 3rd field starts with P or M

Relational expressions: < <= == != >= >
$ awk '$2>$3' myfile
# print records whose 2nd field is greater than its 3rd field
$ awk '$2!="goose"' myfile
# print records whose 2nd field is not goose. string in double quotes.
$ awk '$1=="Delaware"' myfile
# print lines whose 1st field is Delaware

Arithmetic operators: + - * / % (mod) ^ (exponentiation)
$ awk '$2>2*$3' myfile
# print records whose 2nd field is more than twice its 3rd field
$ awk 'NF%2!=0' myfile
# print records having odd number of fields
$ awk 'NR%3==1' myfile
# print every third line, i.e. 1,4,7,10,...

Logical operators: && || !
$ awk '$2=="P" || $2=="M"' myfile
# print lines whose 2nd field is P or M
$ awk '$3>$2 && $3>$4' myfile
# print lines whose 3rd field > 2nd field and 4th field

Ex. Find users with no passwords: e.g. smithj::1254:21:Joe Smith:/usr/class/smithj:/usr/sh
$ awk -F: '$2==""' /etc/passwd
# password is null string
  length($2)==0          built-in function

Ex. print lines that are longer than 72 chars (old Fortran), preceded by line number:
$ awk 'length($0)>72 {print NR, $0}' myfile
$ awk 'length>72 {print NR, $0}' myfile

Range of lines, sed-like:
  NR==20,NR==40         # lines 20 thru 40
  NR==1,/[Ee]nd/       # lines 1 thru first with End or end
  /^100/,/^199/        # from line that starts with 100 thru line that starts with 199, 
                        e.g. sorted database key field

Special patterns:
BEGIN --do actions before any records are read
END --do actions after all lines are read

$ awk 'BEGIN {FS=":"}
> {print $1,$3}' /etc/passwd
# change FS to :, print name and uid fields

print " Name Telephone"}
# change FS to , print a header

$ awk 'END {print NR}' myfile
# print number of records in the file (# of lines) wc -l

Printing actions examples:
{print $2 $1} # no comma --> output concatenated

{print $0, "total:", $3+$4}
# prints line, appends total: and sum of fields 3 and 4

{printf "%6d %5d\n", $3, $4}
# printf formatting as in C: 3rd field in field width of 6

{printf "%d %f %6.4f\n", sqrt(2),sqrt(2),sqrt(2)}
setw(6) setprecision(4)

{print $1 >> "col1"
print $2 >> "col2"
print $3>>"col3"} # output redirection to files

Variables: string or numeric by context . Automatic conversion. (no declaration, just use, initialized to zero or null string). string "bias"
$ awk '/goose/ {count++}
> END {print "Number of lines containing goose is:", count}' myfile

$ awk '{sum += $3}
> END {print sum}' myfile
# totals field 3

; separates statements on one line (otherwise, semicolons not needed):
$ awk '{temp = $1; $1 = $2; $2 = temp; print $0}' myfile
# swap fields 1 and 2

Ex. print lines whose first field differs from previous line's first field
$ awk '$1 != prev {print; prev = $1}' myfile

Ex. file with state, quantity sold, price per columns:
MD  100  2.00
NY  400  1.20
MA  345  2.05
awk program to create new file with additional column of sales in state and totals of sold and sales:
{total_sold += $2
  sales = $2 * $3
  total_sales += sales
  print $0, sales}
 END {print "  ", total_sold, "  ",total_sales}
Say is in tot.awk:
$ awk -f tot.awk statedatafile

Ex. wc-like count of chars, words, lines in file:
{chars += length($0) + 1          # +1 for newline
  words += NF}
 END{print chars, words, NR, " average chars perline:",chars/NR}

try average chars/word, words/line

Arrays: elements created upon use, initialized to zero
Ex. sum two fields
{sum[1] += $3
sum[2] += $4}
END {print sum[1], sum[2]}

Ex. check for proper parenthesization. Report lines with errors. NB only one ( and ) per line!
# lefts as number of as yet unmatched left parens and as index of array of NR of lines with (
# \( escapes grouping metacharacter

 /\(/  {A[++lefts] = NR}        # left paren on this line
  /\)/ && lefts==0  {print "Mismatched ) on line " NR}
  /\)/ && lefts>0   {lefts--}       
  END {if (lefts>0) {
        print lefts " unmatched ('s on lines: "
            for (i=1; i<=lefts; i++)  
            print A[i]

Flow control as in C: if, while, for, switch?, do, break, continue, exit (goto END):
#print fields in reverse order:
$ awk '{for (i=NF; i>0; i--) print $i}' myfile

Ex. sum all fields (non-numeric columns ignored)
 {if (NF > nf) nf = NF        # Max fields any record
  for (i=1; i<=NF; i++)     # loop thru all fields of line
     sum[i] += $i}
  END {for (i=1; i<=nf; i++)
               print sum[i]}
 {if (NF > nf) nf = NF        # Max fields any record
  for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {     # loop thru all fields of line
     sum[i] += $i
     count[i]++       #count number of each field
 END {for (i=1; i<=nf; i++)
               print sum[i], " Average:",sum[i]/count[i]}
Ex. find longest line. file longest
 {if (length > max) {
   max = length
   line = $0
 END {print line}
$ ls -1 | awk -f longest
# longest filename. -1 (one) forces one filename per line
$ awk -f longest /usr/dict/words
# longest word in online dictionary
Max length of each field: if (length($i)>max[i]) max[i]=length($i)

Ex. sort lines by line length
substr(string, start_index, length) Sub-string function of awk
$ awk '{print length, $0}' myfile | sort -n | 
> awk '{for (i=length($1)+2; i<=length; i++)
>              printf "%s",substr($0,i,1)
>            printf "\n"}' 

sed 's/^[0-9]* //'

Associative array: index non-numerically, i.e. strings are the indexes (uses hashing)
Ex. count the number of lines containing certain words:

/Unix/ {count["Unix"]++} # the string Unix is the index
/UNIX/ {count["UNIX"]++}
/DOS/ {count["DOS"]++}
END {print "DOS:", count["DOS"], " Unix:", count["Unix"] +

Non-C for loop construct for associative array:
# loop over each subscript of array. Variable i takes on value of each subscript in associative array. Order indeterminate.
for (i in array)

Ex. frequency of words in file:
 {for (i=1; i<=NF; i++)
    count[$i]++}    # count array will have as many elements as different words in file
  END {for (word in count)   # loop over each element in count
         print word, "  ", count[word]}

then pipe into sort

Ex. print each line backwards: rev
 {for (i=length($0); i>0; i--)
     printf "%s", substr($0,i,1)
   printf "\n"}
$ awk '/'`echo * | sed "s/ /\|/g"`'/ {print}'
# get file names as | separated pattern into awk
$ awk \/`echo * | sed 's/ /|/g'`'/{print}'
# ditto

Ex. print lines in reverse order: tac (i.e. entire file backward, by lines. "flip" file):
 {lines[NR] = $0}     # store each line in array of strings
  END {for (i=NR; i>0; i--)  print lines[i]

Ex. find any words consecutively duplicated in file e.g. Prague in the the spring. An executable shell file, dupchek.
awk'NF>0 {if ($1 == lastword)      # if 1st word same as last word from prev line
            print $1, NR
          for (i=2; i<=NF; i++)  # each other field
            if ($i == $(i-1))    # if ith field same as i-1th
              print $i, NR
          lastword = $NF}        # lastword is last field'  $*

Error messages are lousy
delete array element: delete array[subscript]
test if subscript in array:
2D array: A[i,j]
All arrays are associative. Numeric index is actually string.
create new fields: $5 = $1 + $2 in a four field record
output field separator variable OFS. default is space. OFS=" " OFS=":"
string concatenation: $2 "hello" juxtaposition s = $2 "hello"

 function fact(n) {     # no space before (
    if (n <= 1)
      return 1
      return n * fact(n-1)

Input from files and terminal:
getline                                # read next record
getline x                             # read next record into x
getline < "file2"                 # read a record from file2
getline x < "file2"              # read a record from file2 into x
getline x < /dev/tty            # interactively read user input into x

Command line args: awk options not in argument list
Ex. BEGIN {arg1=ARGV[1]; ARGV[1]=""} # get 1st cmd line arg then set to Null so not treated as filename

Multiline records: Ex. make blank line the record separator:
BEGIN {RS = ""}