CMIS 325 Day 9 grep mostly Name:______________ Using the 'japan' file: How many lines contain a p? How many lines contain a pa? How many lines contain a pap? How many lines contain a papa? What are the line numbers of the lines containing a papa? In the 'rime' file: How many lines have the string ice? How many lines have the word ice? How many lines have the string ice, regardless of case? How many lines have "and the". What are their line numbers? How many lines don't contain a space (these will probably be empty lines)? In the weblog file: How many different files were requested:__________________ What is the largest gif file that was accessed:___________ Command line used:___________________________________________ What are the different status codes (9th field): Command line used:___________________________________________ In the 'alice' file: (single-quote these punctuation symbols will avoid shell interpretation of them). Mostly use tr: How many periods are there:_______ How many question marks are there:_______ How many exclamation marks are there:_______ Summing these, we can guess the number of sentences:_________ How many commas are there:_______ How many colons are there:_______ How many semicolons are there:_______ How many single-quotes ('apostrophes') are there:_______ How many double-quotes ("quotation marks"):_________ Halving, we can guess how many utterances there are:_______ How many left parentheses are there:_______ How many right parentheses are there:_______ What other punctuation symbols are in the file:____________ grep: How many lines contain Alice:______ How many lines contain ALICE:______ How many lines contain alice:______ How many lines contain alice in any mix of case:______ In the 'country.txt' file: How many countries in the continent of Africa:___________ What is the population of the second-most populated African country:________ (population is the 7th field of the file) Make a command line that will count the number of 2-letter country codes that start with an F:________________________________________________________