CMIS 325 Name:_______________________________ How many dot files and folders do you have in your home directory:___ Run an application you haven't run before. What is it:____________ and what dotfiles, if any, did it just create:__________________ Repeat until you find an app that creates a dotfile. Or make a preference modification that creates a dotfile. What bash-related dotfiles are in your home directory:_____________________ What aliases do you have now:___________________ Create the m, lo, h, cp and mv alliases from the handout. Add the aliases to your .bashrc file What is the value of your PATH environment variable: _____________________________________ Does it include your private bin:_____ Modify it to include /sbin and /usr/sbin and your private bin (/home/student/bin) and the empty entry which means the current directory. Test that it works by downloading the cpuburn script from the class web site, turn on its execute permission by 'chmod 755 cpuburn' and then running it in the current directory and from your private bin. How many entries are in the command history:___________ Do the Home, End, and arrow keys work in command line editing:_____ Do the Del and Backspace keys work:________ What is the difference between ^K and ^U:________________________ What does each of these control sequences do: ^A:_________ ^N:_________ ^E:_________ ^P:_________ Esc D:_______ Create the l and calc functions from the handout into your .bashrc. What is the output of: calc 'sqrt(234*234)' __________________ What does 'type' command say about cat:_________ l:___________ m:___________