CMIS 325 Name:_______________________________ More fun with grep. Show the answer and the command line you use to find the answer. Using the linux.words file (the one with 45427 words and lines) What is/are the longest word/s? How many two letter words are there? How many words have non-letters? How many words start with a capital letter (i.e. proper nouns)? How many words have a capital letter that isn't at the beginning of the word? How many words start and end with a vowel, like ice and utopia. How many words start and end with the same vowel, like eye and alpha (use egrep). How many words with four or more of the same vowel, like initializing. How many words with only one vowel? (watch out for capital vowels) What are the longest (non-proper noun) words with only one vowel? With the 'weblog' file: Using grep family only: (pipes of them OK) How many hits were to rharris or dwills:_______ How many hits are from the 131 network (i.e. start with 131):______ How many hits are for neither GIFs nor JPGs (either lettercase):________ How many hits in the first minute after midnight of 27 June:________ How many 206 status codes (second to last field) are there:__________ How many requests were HTTP/1.0:________ How many requests were HTTP/1.1:________ How many requests were neither HTTP/1.0 nor HTTP/1.1:________ Using whatever: How many different pages were hit:________ What are the different status codes (second to last field) that are used:_________________