CMIS 320 Name:________________ Create a database with one table whose attributes are as described in the 'world_bankfields.txt' file in the DBs directory of the class web site. Load the data from the 'world_bankinputfile.txt' file, whose fields are terminated by space and lines terminated by '\r\n'. Paste your Create Table statement here: Paste your Load Data statement here: Execute these queries. Paste the SQL and the resultset. Some of these you might be able to do right away, i.e. with your first attempt, right off the bat with a query. Others might need to be built up from simpler partial answers, i.e start with something broad, then successively narrow in to the answer query. Develop the query. 1- number of records 2- totals and averages of population, area, GNI (one query to get these 6 values) 3- name, population and GNI of records with null surface_areas 4- number of records with null GNI fields 5- the names and GNI of the 10 states with the largest GNI in descending order 6- the five poorest states (lowest GNI) for which there is data 7- number of states with negative GDP growth rates 8- the names and areas of the 10 biggest states in land area 9- the sum of the areas of the 10 biggest states (using a datum from the previous query) 10- names of states containing two p's 11- names of states containing two consecutive same vowels, e.g. aa,ee,ii,oo, or uu 12- names of states whose names have 'land' 13- number of states whose names end in 'ia' 13b- names of states whose names contain 'ia' but do not end in 'ia' 14- names of the states with the shortest names (you can use 2 queries to do this) 15- the names,population,area and density of the 10 most densely populated states. density in people per sq km is derived from population/area*1000. order by density. use the round() function to round the density values. 15b- United States' area in km^2, area in mile^2, density per sq. km and density per sq. mile 16- the names,population,area and density of the 10 least densely populated states for which there is appropriate data, in order by density 17- name, population, percapita GNI of the 10 states with the highest percapita GNI in dollars per person(derived from GNI/POP*1000) in order of percapita GNI. I.e. the richest per capita nations. 18- name, population, percapita GNI of the 10 states with the lowest percapita GNI for which there is data, in order of percapita GNI. I.e. the poorest per capita nations. 19- names,GNI,PPP_GNI, and difference between these two GNI values of the states whose GNI is larger than its PPP_GNI. I.e. nations whose GNI is higher than its PPP and thus not really as rich as they seem. 20- names,GNI,PPP_GNI, and the ratio of PPP_GNI to GNI of states whose PPP_GNI is more than 5 times its GNI). Order descending by this ratio. I.e. nations that are better off than their GNI indicates. 21- frequency count of the number of names of different lengths. I.e. number of names of length 22, number of length 21 etc. Hint: group by length of name 22- frequency count of the number of names that start with each letter. I.e. number of names that start with A, number of names that start with B etc. Hint: group by leftmost 1 character of name using the left() function. in descending frequency order. SKIP: convert sq km to sq mile: *.3721 convert sq mile to sq km: /.3721