CMIS 320 Midterm Name:_________________________________ Using the world database: All questions are to be answered by one query only. As usual, paste the query and the resultset. 1. The populated countries whose surface area is less than 100, in decreasing order of population density (i.e. population/area). Display the name, population, surface area, and the density (with that alias) rounded to the nearest integer. 2. The name of the "country" with the longest name and its length. 3. The country codes of the countries whose language percentages sum to more than 100%. 4. The number of countries whose Code2 is the same as the first two letters of its Code. 5. List the number of countries of each continent, along with its total surface area and population, in alphabetical order. cast(continent as char) to convert it to string for alphabetical sort. 6. List the forms of government that have more than five countries of that form. 7. List the country code and language of languages that are spoken by 100% of a country. 8. The 5 most populous "districts" of the City table. 9. The average year of independence per continent of the "countries" that are independent. 10. The city and its population whose population is the median value of the city populations. (The median is the "middle" value of a list of sorted data.) You can use the fact that there are 4079 cities in the query. 11. The city names that occur 3 or more times. 12. The number of cities whose name is the same as its district. 13. Which countries have no head of state? (null or emptystring) 14. How many countries have an official language that is spoken by 0% of the people?