CMIS 320 Name:________________________ Make the menagerie5 database using pet5Enum.sql Paste the Description of the pet table here: Paste the SQL and resultset. 1. Show the name and features of all the pets. 2. Mellow pets. 3. Featureless pets. 4. Redzone and nothing else pets. 5. Pets who are housebroken or mellow. 6. Pets who are housebroken and mellow. 7. Try to Insert a rat. 8. Try to change Fang's owner to Bob. 9. Try to Insert a pet with a valid owner, species and sex but with redzone and hisses as features. 10. Insert RinTinTin, a 35 lb, 40 cuteness, male dog owned by Benny born 4 July 2016 being housebroken, mellow, and adorable. 11. Change Bowser to be featureless.