CMIS 320 Access Counties Name:_____________________ Create a table in Access by importing from the counties2010.txt file. External Data tab | Text File runs the import dialogue. Click the checkbox to indicate the first row contains the field names. Have the fips field be the primary key. There should be 3143 records. Change the type of the two money fields to Currency, with no decimal. Format the population to comma style with no decimal. Format the area to comma style. Create calculated fields for population density and for income. To specify the number of decimal digits: Field Properties | Decimal Places | 1 and Field Properties | Format | Fixed Choose a state. Print one page of its counties sorted by population in decreasing order. Print the results of a query that shows the sum of pop, sum of area, and sum of income for the USA. Print the results of a query that shows the sum of pop, sum of area, and sum of income for each state. (i.e. Group By state)