CMIS 320 Name:________________ SuperZips Download the superzipCreate.sql SQL file and run it in MySQL to create the zip table. Download the superzips.csv file. Notice that the fields are separated by commas and it has a header row. It is a DOS file. Load it into the zip table. There should not be any errors or warnings. Data about every zipcode in USA. Doesn't include zipcodes of buildings or post offices or APOs. City is the city that contains the zipcode. Pop25 is the "adult" population, i.e. people over 25. PctBAs is the percentage of the adults with a bachelor's degree. Families is the number of families. MedianFamilyIncome is in thousands. Centile is the percentile that people within the zipcode rank nationally based on some formula using family income and adult education. Rank is the rank of the zip code nationally based on the same formula but excludes zipcodes with fewer than 500 adults. Superzip of 1 means this is an elite rich place, 0 means it ain't. rank is the only field with Nulls. How many? the maximum length of any city. then, the city/ies of that longest length name. the number of '1' superzips. Tricky. for the country, the number of zipcodes it has, total population, and the average number of people per zipcode for each state, the number of zipcodes it has, its population, and the average number of people per zipcode number of families in the least populated zip code. (2 queries can be used to answer this)