CMIS 320 Using the pet and event tables. Use subqueries, i.e. answer each question by using only one query. 1. The pet of least cuteness. 2. The pet(s) of owner with the shortest name. 3. The most recent event. 4. Pets of above average weight. 5. The pets that are heavier than the heaviest cat. 6. The male pets that are heavier than the heaviest cat. 7. Events that happened after Slim's one event. 8. Events that happened after the first birthday event. 9. Uncute pets, i.e. those whose cuteness is less than half the average cuteness. 10. The species of the pets who've had birthday events. 11. The name and species of the pets who've had birthday events after the first birthday event. Hint: subquery within a subquery 12. How much each pet's weight differs from the heaviest pet, in order by this difference. Hint: subquery in the Order By too.