CMIS 320 Name:________________________ Make the menagerie6 database using pet6Event.sql The number of rows in the Cartesian product of the tables. The number of rows in the natural join of these two tables. Display one row (with *, all columns) of the natural join. (i.e. limit 1) Looking at the rows of the natural join, what do you notice about the two name fields? Looking at the rows of the Cartesian product, what do you notice about the two name fields? These queries all use the natural join: The name, event type, and visit date of Gwen's pets' events. The name, owner and visit type of all visits, in name order. The average weight and average cuteness of the pets that visited. (not the same as the average weight and cuteness of the pets). The number of visits each owner made. The average age of the visiting pets. The number (count) of each combination of owner and visit type. The distinct visit types of the pets with lots of cuteness (more than 50 on the cuteness scale). The visit IDs of the male dogs.