CMIS 320 Midterm The two parts can be done in any order. Each is worth half the points. Part 1 is more query-intensive. Part 2 is more create table and load intensive. Paste answers (queries and resultsets into a copy of this file). Part 1. Using the world database do these queries: Be as precise as possible. ************************************ The city with the longest value in the name field. ************************************ The countries whose surface area is less than 100, in increasing order of surface area. ************************************ The country codes of the countries whose language percentages sum to more than 100%. ************************************ The names of the countries which have cities that do not have a district. Part 2. Create a table suitable to store the X fonts data in the xlsfonts data file on the class web site. The xlfd file describes the fields of the file. Load the data file into the table. Print out the describe table. ************************************ Show a query that counts the number of rows in the table. ************************************ Show a query that counts the number of rows whose CharSetRegistry contains 'jis' (one of the Japanese encodings). ************************************ Show a query that counts the number of each Spacing value (i.e. a frequency count of each different Spacing).