CMIS 320 Lab Basic queries of pet table. Create and populate the pet table by running the script file createPetEvent.sql that is on the class web site. With the pet table execute the following queries. Save the queries and their resultsets by copying and pasting into a text file copy of this file open in a text editor such as Notepad. (Copying and pasting from cmd is easier if Quick Edit Mode is on: [right click title bar, Properties, Options] and then left mouse button drag highlights, Enter copies, paste by Ctrl-v or right mouse menu). Adjust the command prompt window's width [right click title bar, Properties, Layout tab, Window size Width to 100 or so] and the Oracle Linesize [set lines 120] and Pagesize [set pages 200] to keep each row on one line of output. The query should exactly answer the question (i.e. provide the precise information requested). 1- all the pets and all their attributes. -----> paste the SQL statement and result for here. 2- Benny's pets. 3- non-cats 4- the name, species, and DOB of all the pets. 5- the name, species, and DOB of the female pets. 6- pets born before 1995 7- four-legged pets (of the species in the data) 8- non-four-legged pets 9- female four-legged pets 10- the species of pets (no repeats!) 11- the distinct owners of female four-legged pets 12- all the pets listed in owner order 13- all the pets listed in owner order by name order (owner as primary sort, name as secondary sort) 14- all the pets listed in age order, youngest first 17- the DOB and name (in that column order) of all the pets listed in age order, oldest first, 18- the name,owner,DOB of all the pets listed in name order 20- pets of unknown sex 21- pets who have died 22- pets whose names start with a 'C' 23- pets whose owners have 5 character names 24- pets whose owners have at least 5 character names 25- pets whose names do not contain a 'y' 26- the number of records 27- number of cats 28- number of species 29- number of non-four-legged pets - the AVG(), MIN(), MAX(), and SUM() aggreagate functions are designed to work with numeric columns but can be applied in some cases to string and data columns: 30- the min name 31- the DOB of the youngest pet 32- number of pets per species (hint: group by) 32a- sum of the weights of pets per owner (i.e. if owner has to carry all his pets, how much would that be) 32b- which sex is cuter, on average 33- number of pets per owner, per species 34- name,species,weight,cuteness and cuteness per kilogram of each pet 34a- "cuticality" is the square root of the cuteness per kilogram. use the SQRT() function. use a column alias. name, species,cuticality of each pet. 34b- smallest cuticality value