CMIS 320 If you haven't made the "japan" table and data file: Generate a 1,000,000 record "japanese" random data file using the createDB program. Create a table using the Create Table statement in createDB.cpp file on the web site. Load the data file into the table using the web interface Load Text File. Answer these queries. Use one query each. How many rows are there? For each column (where the datatype is appropriate), what is the sum, average, min, max, and number of different values? What is the average number of rows that a bigword value is in? (i.e. the average number of times each bigword occurs) Display the records whose 6-letter word starts with zu, small integer is between 50 and 60, grade is F, doub1 is less than .3 and 4-letter word starts with tu. Moral of this example: one million is a lot. If the display is 4 records per inch, then one million records is about 4 miles long. If 60 records are printed per page, then one million records is about 55 reams of paper (about 3 miles long). Display the record with the largest first field. hint: subquery How many records have their small integer field equal to the integer part of the average value of the small integer field? hint: subquery and Round() How many rows have bigword 'gagaga'? How many rows have bigword that starts with 'gaga'? How many rows have bigword that starts with 'gaga' but is not 'gagaga'? How many rows have bigword that starts with 'ga'? How many rows have bigword that starts with 'ga' but does not have any other ga's in bigword? How many of the records has its 4-letter word as the prefix of its 6-letter word? hint: Substr() oops, don't do this. need changing random sequence version of createDB.cpp Generate another "japan" random data file, this one of 10,000 records. Load it into a copy of the original table named japan2. Display the join of the two tables on the first field, displaying the first field and the 6-letter words from each table.