CMIS 310 Homework 3.5 3.12 3.16 3.17 Show the bits of the following integers in 2's complement format with a unit size of 1 byte: 0 127 -1 -128 -4 -99 -50 a unit size of 2 bytes: 0 1 32767 -1 -32768 -1024 Add, using the format used in class, showing the bits of the 1-byte unit size 2's complement integers: 43 + 18 43 + -18 -43 + 18 -43 + -18 100 + 43 What is: 2^11 2^12 2^13 2^14 In a computer with a unit size of 12 bits what is the range of integers in its 2's complement system? In a computer with a unit size of 20 bits what is the range of integers in its 2's complement system?