CMIS 310 Homework Due: 30 Aug Write RSComputer programs to do the following: 1. Generalize the sum of first N integers to sum the integers between M and N, inclusive. Assume M<=N. For example, if M is 3 and N is 6, compute the sum of 3+4+5+6 2. Multiply two numbers. Make sure it works for multiplying by 1 and by 0 too. Multiplication is repeated addition. x*y is x added to itself y times, or y added to itself x times. 3. Count the number of 1 bits in a data byte. Hint: AND with 0 "turns off" a bit. Need to "look at" each bit. Loops not needed. Fully comment each program, as in the class examples. Have all programs start at location 0 (i.e. no ORG's).