CMIS 242 Queues. A queue data structure is similar to a real-life queue (or "line" as it's also called) of people at a cashier or theater box office. There's a front of the queue and a rear. An item (e.g. a "person" object) joins the queue (i.e. "enqueues") at the rear ("tail") and makes its way to the front ("head") of the queue as items closer to the front get removed (i.e. "dequeued"); when the item becomes the item at the front of the queue it will be the one dequeued. The item at the head of the queue is the one that's been in the queue the longest, the first one in is the first one out (a queue is a FIFO list). It's a seniority system, with position determined solely by length of time in the queue. No cutting in line, no moving ahead of anyone, no dropping out of line. Like a stack, a queue is a restricted kind of list. Stack: access at one end ("top") of the list only for both add and remove. Queue: access to add at one end ("tail"), access to remove at the other end ("head"). Like with a stack, there are situations where we want to access the data in this resticted way, so it is better (i.e. safer, more reliable code and clearer to understand what's happening) to use this restricted list. Queues are used many places in a computer system, where they are often called buffers. Basically wherever there's a speed mismatch between two processes, one supplying data to another, if the "producer" can generate data faster than the "consumer" can input it then the data has to enqueued in a buffer (you wouldn't want the producer to have to slow down to the speed of the consumer, it would be idling when it could be doing other work). An example is printing. The OS (acting on the behalf of users) can create print jobs much faster than the printer can print them, so the jobs are placed in a queue where the printer can get them as it is able. Other examples are the queue of ready proccess waiting for their turn to execute in the CPU, packets queued up in a router awaiting their turn to be routed onward to the next hop in their journey through a network, queued pending disk read and write operations. These queues grow and shrink unpredictably. With a queue, the data is processed in the same order as which it is generated (the opposite of a stack, where the data is processed in the reverse order of its creation or input). Queues are also used in simulation software. The simulated events occur (or are generated) and if they can't be handled or serviced immediately (e.g. speed mismatch problem) they are put into a queue for future servicing when the server becomes free. Often it's important that the events are processed in the order in which they happen. There can be multiple queues and/or multiple servers. Grocery stores have multiple servers, each with its own queue. Banks typically have multiple servers (the tellers), but with one common queue (this minimizes the average waiting time of clients (the customers). A one server-multiple queues system would be six lanes of traffic funneling into one tollgate (this maximizes the average road rage of clients). A queue can be, and is recommended to be, implemented by the LinkedList class of the Java Collections Framework. You would only rarely have to make your own queue class. LinkedList is almost the same as ArrayList. The difference is that it is implemented by a linked list instead of an array like ArrayList and so compared to ArrayList it is: --faster insert/delete (if location to insert or delete is already known), --insert/delete at either end is very fast and so the LinkedList is good for a stack or queue. --much slower random access (using an index). Methods are the same as ArrayList. It has some additional ones for inserting and deleting at the beginning and end of the list: --addLast() can be the enqueue operation (end of the LinkedList is the tail of the queue). --removeFirst() can be the dequeue operation (front of the LinkedList is the head of the queue). demonstrates use of the LinkedList class. It's the same program as except every "ArrayList" was replaced by "LinkedList". is a basic demo of a queue implemented by a LinkedList. The user can enqueue strings and dequeue the string at the head of the queue. A queue is typically of some maximum size (i.e. only so much memory will be allocated to it) and so if the queue is full it can not be enqueued onto. Trying to dequeue from an empty queue is not possible. Both situations need to be dealt with somehow by client code (the demo program just reports the attempt and disallows the operation). The LinkedList is essentially unbounded (can grow wtihout limit) and so can implement a queue that is unbounded in size. The demo program allows both types of queue. randomly enqueues and dequeues dummy objects onto a queue and graphically shows the size of the queue at each operation. It can give you an image of how a typical queue grows and shrinks.