CMIS 141 Lab exercise Roman Write a program that converts Roman numeral numbers to decimal numbers. The Roman number will be a sequence of Roman numeral characters like MDCCLXXVI where an M equals 1000 D is 500 C is 100 L is 50 X is 10 V is 5 I is 1 Input into a String object. Loop over the length() of the string, using the charAt() method to access the individual characters which can be switched on. Base your code on the CharTest program. ************************************************************ Mr. Celsius and Mr. Fahrenheit Write a program that produces a table of fahrenheit to celsius temperature conversions. The user enters the starting temperature, the ending temperature, and the increment value. Display the table in a JTextArea in a JOptionPane. Formula to convert fahrenheit to celsius is: C = 5(F-32)/9 Add the ability to convert from celsius to fahrenheit. Formula to convert celsius to fahrenheit is: F = 9C/5+32 Let the user choose which conversion to do. ************************************************************ Random points of light. Make a program similar to the RandomPoints applet. Hint: nested loops: outer loop over the rows, inner loop over the columns of each row (just like the rectangles of stars program of last week). Base your program on your rectangles program. Make the JTextArea the user-specified number of rows and columns. Use Math.random()