CMIS 141 Fun with 2D arrays. Using the Percolation program as a base, create an int 2D array of user-specified size (rows and columns) and randomly fill it with 1's and 0's. Display the 1's as black, 0's as nothing. Percolation already does this. Comment out the percolating code. Add: Count the number of 1's and the number of 0's and display the counts in the status bar with showStatus(String). Find the row with the most number of 1's. Display the row number and its sum in the status bar. Change: instead of randomly filling the array with 1's and 0's, put 1's in the two diagonals (upper lefthand to lower righthand corner and upper righthand corner to lower lefthand corner) and 0's every where else. Displaying it should look like a big X. Hint: when are the nested for loops on a diagonal? ***************************************** Bigger change: change the 2D array into the random walking mouse. Start with an all 0's 2D array. The walker can write a 1 into each position it visits. After each move, display the entire 2D array. The walker can refuse to move to a position it's already been in.