CMIS 141 Lab polygons, combo box Modify the PolygonsTest program to see the effect of using and not using the super.paint() With super.paint(), the applet area is wiped clear at the start of each paint. Create an array of Polygons: Polygon [] polygons; //declare array polygons = new Polygon[1000]; //create array. No Polygons created. Each new Polygon object will be the next available element in the array. Use a global variable to keep track of what is the index and number of objects in the area. Draw all the objects in each paint. The array is useful for doing things with the polygons, like move them, compare them, change their size.... polygons[num] = new Polygon(); //create Polygon element of array An array of Color will have each element paired with the element in the polygons array to be the color of that Polygon.