Array play 2 Modify the ArraySorting program to: Display the average ("mean") of the data and the middle value ("median") when the data is in order. Because this data is randomly uniformly distributed, the mean and median will be almost the same. Determine the number of different numbers in the array. Hint: scan thru the sorted array counting each time the current element is different than the previous element. Report what percentage of the range of numbers was actually generated. (Run it a few times with the range being the same as the array size, e.g. size 100 range 100, size 1000 range 1000 etc and note the interesting percentage. Ask a stats instructor to explain it...) Determine the number that occurs the most times, i.e. find the number that has the maximum number of duplicates. This is the "mode" of the data. This is yet another "find the max" problem. It's similar to the find the maximum length run of heads in the coin flipping program, only easier. The array has to be sorted first. Display a bar graph of the unsorted and sorted data. For each value, output a line of asterisks that long.