CMIS 102 Midterm. Open book, open notes, and your existing code but no human help. Write an applet that does what the BMI applet on the class web site does. Run the applet several times to learn what it does. Enter "metric" or "english". The formula for calculating BMI in metric units is BMI = weight in kg / height in meters / height in meters in English units is BMI = 703 * (weight in lbs / height in inches / height in inches) Any mathematically equivalent formula is acceptable, of course. Hint: if you are 5'11" you are about 1.81 meters. The applet must have the same proportions whatever the applet is sized or resized at (i.e. must fill the entire applet area whatever the size of the applet area). Build this up piece by piece; partial credit is given. There are many ways to build this up piece by piece. For example, the graphical drawings are mostly separate from the inputting and calculating logic. If the piece you're working on isn't getting done, work on another piece. Print out and turn in the Java source code file; email it to your instructor. Post the class and html files to your web site.